If you have not checked out TheSilentPoet’s 28 poems in 28 days, you really should. She has a lovely way with twisting fairy tales.
haikujaguar has posted another Three Micahs article, on agility. These are great, informative, and fun articles on art as a small business, generally a business of one.
ysabetwordsmith has posted an interesting link discussing whether or not a writer is a brand. As I contemplate branding myself with my logo rather literally, I find this interesting.
Speaking of interesting, cool, and Micah, check on this interview
and, to end the people-are-awesome portion of my linkage,
tybarbary has a really cool set of links in this week’s Things I Learned This Week post.
ysabetwordsmith‘s Poetry Fishbowl is coming next week! 3/1/11, and the theme is!! “Things With Wings.” !!
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