Reiassan map, with mountain ranges & 10 major cities
also the updated most-recent-border between Bithrain & Callenia and two small border settlements. |
Population, etc. notes:
Approx 540,000 sq. miles of land
Approx 328,969 sq. miles of arable farmland
Approx 164,484 sq. miles of grazing/pasture land
Population of the continent about 7.2 million, of which 10% is urban and of that 50% is in biggest 10 cities.
Divvied by city approx:
69,335 Lannamer
41,601 Ouyknan
37,441 Arran 1
Still enjoying the maps! I notice no cities near the boarder – due to fighting? Also, I figured that the bits behind the mountains would be a third country. It would be very hard to govern, given the mountains in the way, and it would be very remote form Bitrani.
Nope. there are currently two … well, currently one country. But that’s all Callenia up there. Yeah, the border moves too much.
*nods* Makes sene. No one wants to live where the fighting is.
*nodS* there’s so little towns there, because there’s green land there.