Originally posted here, in response to the lyrics prompt “You don’t need a spaceship / They don’t know you’ve already lived / On the other side of the galaxy”
She opened her eyes to the world around her, her memories already fading.
She’d shared some of them with her parents-to-be beforehand, but there was a bit of a language barrier, an image barrier. They could understand, through careful, patient relaying of images, that this was not her first life. They were predisposed to believe in reincarnation – she would not have picked a host family who were not. The belief would be central to things she would need to do, if her mission were to succeed.
So would their knowledge, however faint, in what she had been before. And it seemed it would be faint, indeed. She hadn’t counted on just how different their peoples were, how vastly separated their languages, even their most basic concepts, were. She found the metaphors that would work, and left notes, signposts, for herself in her forming brain, hoping the two, combined, would get her pointed in the right direction. Then she let go, and was born.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/25050.html. You can comment here or there.