Hey, A Boundary, Volume II!

Please don’t make definitive statements about who/how I am. You’re probably wrong, and, in the meantime, you’ll upset me.

I’m talking about “you like to do this. You’re this sort of person.” Not “You’re tall.”

Modifiers are your friend. “It seems like; it looks like…” those things make me really happy. “It seems like you like this?”

8 thoughts on “Hey, A Boundary, Volume II!

  1. Oddly enough, that doesn’t bother me when people do it to me – but then I stick think/seems/appears qualifiers on pretty much everything. (I also, as you can see, liberally use qualifiers such as most/usually.) I think (see?) it’s to leave myself an escape route if I make a mistake… Which I think (and again!) is why it really bothers me when I say something like that and people act as though I stated an absolute. (It also bothers me when someone states something about me that’s wrong and I am like, no, that’s not true, and then they just ignore my contradiction as if I don’t know what I’m talking about, HELLO we are talking about ME, don’t you think I know myself better than you know me?!)

    • (It also bothers me when someone states something about me that’s wrong and I am like, no, that’s not true, and then they just ignore my contradiction as if I don’t know what I’m talking about, HELLO we are talking about ME, don’t you think I know myself better than you know me?!) Yes. Or get offended. Dude, this is me, I know me better than (almost) anyone. Your filter is wrong, please adjust.

  2. Argumentative me wants to say that inventrix’s qualifiers are taking responsibility for her perceptions. I want to do that more. Also, I have to give you this link: http://xkcd.com/231/ As I have a Sophiecat with a fluffy belly on my lap and am twisted round to type on the laptop further down the sofa, I know this to be true. She’s a kitty!

  3. This comes uncomfortably close on the heels of my observation that you like promises 😛 But I’m pretty sure I said “I think” or something along those lines…

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