Archive | July 2011

30 Days meme Second Semester: 1b “Witness,” Addergoole Year 9

For the 30 Days Meme Second Semester, for the prompt “1) the story starts with the words ‘It’s going down.'”

Addergoole/Fae Apoc Year 9 has a landing page (LJ Link)

“It’s going down.” Curry was breathless when he pounded on Thornburn’s door, his words coming out in ragged gasps. Ceinwen tried to pretend she wasn’t hiding, back in the little corner of the room He allowed her. “Kendon and Jeremiah, over that little carrotty Ninthie. What’s her name… Hoover?”

“Ahouva.” It was somehow unsurprising and yet still displeasing that He knew the pretty girl’s name. He knew them all. “I thought Jeremiah had his hands full.” He was sliding on his shoes as he spoke; Ceinwen, hesitantly, looked for her own.

“I thought he did, too. I guess he’s going for the greed factor. Surprises me… Kendon is no sweetheart, but I didn’t think the Prophet was the White Knight sort, either. I mean, he’s turned his back on a lot of shit in his day.”

“And we’ve turned our back on his shit, too.” Thornburn turned his attention to Ceinwen. “Stay here… no, you might as well come with. You can see what a challenge is like. But stay close to m e, and if I tell you to hide, no arguments.”

If he told her to hide, she’d have no choice in the matter, just as with any other order he gave her. She nodded mutely anyway, and then, pushed by some order she couldn’t even remember properly, whispered out a reluctant “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” He offered her his hand while she tried to ignore the giddy stupid pleasure his praise sent through her. “Let’s go witness this mess.”

The List:
1a) the story starts with the words “It’s going down.” (LJ Link)

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Sunday Fic Meme: The Cali Novel

Each Sunday, post six sentences from a writing project — published, submitted, in progress, for your cat — whatever. (Ganked from [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith)

This is from a novel I’m attempting to write, set in my Tir na Cali setting.

I woke up in a crate, seriously, a shipping crate. I was packed into some sort of foam padding, holding me so I could barely move. My head felt foggy, my mouth tasted cottony, and for a long horrible minute I had no idea where I was. I was stuck in a cocoon, that’s all I knew, the lid just a couple inches from my nose. I might have yelled, but I doubt anything heard me. The padding in that thing ate sound.

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30 Days meme Second Semester: 1a, Alien Elevator, Vas’ World

For the 30 Days Meme Second Semester, for the prompt “1) the story starts with the words ‘It’s going down.'”

Vas’ World has a landing page (LJ Link)

“It’s going down.” Vas watched the wicker cage slowly descend the cliff, shaking his head.

“Of course it’s going down,” Suki laughed. “It’s an elevator. What did you expect it to do? Swing back and forth wildly?”

“It’s not an elevator,” he grumbled, never mind the horse-creatures that could probably overhear him. “It’s a wicker basket and a pulley system.”

“Sounds like an elevator to me. And it sounds a lot safer than the path there… besides, it’s holding two horses and Malia, and it’s doing just fine. It can hold our weight.”

Vas was un-moved. “I’d still rather take the path.”

“With no spotter? No way in hell, Sparky. Mission parameters don’t allow it.”

“And where in the mission parameters is an alien-made wicker basket masquerading as an elevator?” The thing had stopped at the bottom of the cliff, its passengers (the third load) exiting safely. Slowly, it began creeping back up towards them. Another time, Vas would have been fascinated with its mechanism. Right now, he was too busy worrying about his impending ride down in the damn thing.

“You really don’t want me to quote chapter and verse at you, do you, Vassily? Trust me. The thing will get us down safely, and then we can continue our exploration.” She chose to ignore that their “exploration” had turned into a guided tour by giant telepathic horses; so did he.

“What I really want to know,” he muttered instead, “is who has the thumbs to build this thing.”

The List:
1) the story starts with the words “It’s going down.”

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House Progress

Today, we purchased the carpet for the room we plan to hardwood within 6 months to a year. *rolls eyes at appraiser*

The woodwork has been painted (us); the handrails have been installed (seller). The furnaces and septic will be inspected this week (seller).

Almost there!!

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Hee! (also help?)

Hey, guys, I won the auction for [personal profile] recessional‘s worldbuilding help (sort of a frivolous purchase, I admit; there goes my yarn budget for August)…

…so what world do I want her help with? It shouldn’t be Reisassn, I think, because that’s a project I’m working on with Spouse!Man. That still leaves a lot of worlds!

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