This blog has motivated me, and I am going to, sometime probably-this-winter, redo our old dresser (a hand-me-down from when I was a kid.)
It needs new feets, need knobs (doesn’t NEED those) and, I think, a two-tone effect to go with the bedroom-that-will-be.
My big issue: right now there is a bookshelf atop it. This shelf was made by Fatherman and I, but it needs to be re-re-done at this point into something more fitting. I’m thinking re-building it, with a back, into a basic bookcase the same size as the top of the dresser…
…then painting everything offwhite with darkbrown trim.
Yes, because gutting a house wasn’t a big enough project.
Fun link for bonus – http://www.slashgear.com/cave-the-bookcase-with-built-in-seat-094690/ A “cave” bookcase with built in seat!
And some really funky bookcases (some, clearly, for people who do not have books the way we have books).
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/121024.html. You can comment here or there.
Neat project! I am not fond of the crazy modern bookcases. They hold less than a normal bookcase for one. And that’s really my priority!
*grin* knew you’d say that.
Well, of course. *grins*