The former owners of our house were, we’re beginning to believe, very short people. Very. Short. We are *cough* not.
The ceilings in many places in the house are at about 6’8″ (2.03 meters). T. is about 6’4″ tall (1.93 meters).
We have spent a fair amount of time measuring things like light fixtures and doorways for T-head-clearance (and a few things for the rather shorter Lyn-head-clearance. It’s surreal.
More surreal? Generally, there’s maybe 6″ between the floor of the upstairs and the ceiling of the downstairs. Maybe a foot.
There’s 30 inches. 30 inches (0.762 meters) between the living room floor and the floor of the finished attic above. Yes, we will be (not this year) raising the ceilings, at least a foot (still not Chandelier heights).
This house has a lot of what-were-they-thinking. Today’s (via gchat):
T:…in here with me my moist and the cat
who thinks I look / smell funny
as I am moisted [[It’s been pouring for three days]]
whiffle ball removed from downspout on house
gutters work much better now
me: whiffle ball?
T: tho the whiffle ball did strain the leaves nicely
which clogged its little holes
me: ducks
T: gutter over front door
So, yes. There was a whiffle ball in our gutters. O_O
Links of the day: lilfluff introduced me to this lovely short story, and although I’m not a huge organic-textiles place, I like this one.
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