The former owners of our house were, we’re beginning to believe, very short people. Very. Short. We are *cough* not.
The ceilings in many places in the house are at about 6’8″ (2.03 meters). T. is about 6’4″ tall (1.93 meters).
We have spent a fair amount of time measuring things like light fixtures and doorways for T-head-clearance (and a few things for the rather shorter Lyn-head-clearance. It’s surreal.
More surreal? Generally, there’s maybe 6″ between the floor of the upstairs and the ceiling of the downstairs. Maybe a foot.
There’s 30 inches. 30 inches (0.762 meters) between the living room floor and the floor of the finished attic above. Yes, we will be (not this year) raising the ceilings, at least a foot (still not Chandelier heights).
This house has a lot of what-were-they-thinking. Today’s (via gchat):
T:…in here with me my moist and the cat
who thinks I look / smell funny
as I am moisted [[It’s been pouring for three days]]
whiffle ball removed from downspout on house
gutters work much better now
me: whiffle ball?
T: tho the whiffle ball did strain the leaves nicely
which clogged its little holes
me: ducks
T: gutter over front door
So, yes. There was a whiffle ball in our gutters. O_O
Links of the day: lilfluff introduced me to this lovely short story, and although I’m not a huge organic-textiles place, I like this one.
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I hope that’s 30 inches between the ceiling of your living room and the floor of your attic or else everyone who goes into your living room has to crawl or something. Over here people use tennis balls to plug their down pipes if a bush fire is coming – wet down the roof and fill the gutters, that sort of thing – but you’d take it out afterwards.
hrmm… *edits* yes. I’ve been tired. :-/ That would be a clever idea in fire season, I agree. Here, we don’t have bush fires. Too damp.
All year round? Your forest doesn’t burn? Ours tends to regularly. Tiredness understood and understandable. Mind you if there’s something interesting in that void (secret room, ‘objects’ that lead you to call in law enforcement authorities, lost manuscripts, the City of Eldorado, etc) we will want to hear all about it!
I’m actually a little worried. There’s a trunk in the “Attic,” you see… …and I once wrote a story where there were baby skeletons in trunks pretty much just like that. No dead anything except flies yet, though, so we’re doing good.
It will be something more boring than your story, I’m sure.
I hope so! This house is full of what-were-they-thinkings…
From the age – several owners/generations worth of them. Persome of them are in response to older ones?
Could be. The AV stuff is definitely more recent, and some of the remodels are definitely 1970’s
Here-in-NY/the Northeast, our forests don’t burn. Texas is burning right now.
They should probably burn more than they do – we’re probably overdue for some brush clearing, etc – but that’s something for me to read about another day.
You might like the single college non-lit textbook I kept; it has articles on that.
Trust me, I have books on this already.
I’m sure you do… this one’s just very good.
Maybe I shall borrow it when I visit. >.>
*grins playfully* Going to test my hostessing skills? 😀 (Note to self: find fresh flowers somewhere.)
You have discovered my sneaky, sneaky plan.
I would love to have you visit – in a month or two, or later.
Yes, I figured I would give you a chance to, you know, move. And I need to learn to drive stick shift, because the car capable of the drive is stick shift. So that’ll take a bit.
Stick shift is a good thing to learn!
It’s even hit our news.
I can believe it! It’s pretty major, even for our annual something-is-burning.
whiffle ball ::snort:: I do not know why but that cracked me up.
It cracked me up, too 😀
Wow, you seem to have more crazy house than most. Good luck…
well, as I’ve said from the beginning, we bought a fixer-upper because it was what we could afford, and because we wanted to put our own stamp on the house. Stands to reason it would have work to be done on it, no?
The comment about crazy was directed at the ceilings. That is just really odd. And figes you more to work on in terms of fixing up, things that aren’t normally something you need to worry about.
Thing is, we knew about the ceilings from day 1, just not the size of the air gap.