The more time I spend thinking about the new house, the more I want to Buy All The Things for it. Part of this is totally justified – there’s a lot of Things that need buying for this place. But I have to be reasonable (I hate being reasonable) and prioritize the Need It To Live, and the Too Ugly to Bear, and then the Decorating Things can come later.
We ha- I haven’t worked much on the house since Tuesday (T. spent much of yesterday over there, in the pouring rain). The bathroom is the current project, fixing some O_O and some WTF into tolerable, adding towel rods, etc.
The previous owners left stuff, and then for good measure, stuff, all over the place. The current found list includes:
At least 4 toddler trucks (the ride-on-them sort)
Two screw-top bottles of wine
8 gallons of paint, all opened
5 vases
1 set of bedding, incl. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pillowcase
and a bedframe.
meeks has illustrated (LJ) my story the Deep Inks; she’s also illustrated (LJ)
ysabetwordsmith‘s poem Restoration.
(Comments help sponsor more work on the project; if you have not commented on Meeks’ work before, tell her I sent you! đ
ysabetwordsmith wrote a lot of lovely stuff from this fishbowl, but of the stuff that’s public, I like this the most.
Links of the day – a very small cabin and
via ysabetwordsmith, and relevant to my fae apoc history writing: a potential ancestor
Vocab will return when I’m less exhausted all the time.
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