Things to be Renovated Include:
– repair and paint walls
– Install new window
– new trim for window
– have new baseboard radiators installed
– have new carpet installed
– build new built-in closet
(later: new linens, duvet cover, and paint job on dresser)
Next, in some order depending on mood:
also, goats.
Mud room
– strip wallpaper, paint, install doors to util room and kitchen, replace trim (and paint trim), repair hook board and seat and paint/decorate
Living/Dining/Card Room
– spackle sand paint non-paneled walls, remove paneling where feasible.
– Install reasonable light fixtures.
– fix short doorway between rooms
-(next year – level and replace floor)
– rip everything out and replace it, incl. kicking bathroom wall back for a 6′ tub
Basement stairwell
– clean, seal off attic, repair/replace shelves
– have leaks fixed
– Repair stairs
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Good luck! It’s a long list. I think the important bits that have to happen before winter, will happen.
Really, nothing HAS to happen before winter. It’s just if we don’t redo the radiators before it’s too cold, we can’t redo the bedroom until spring.
If you want to plant the orchard next spring you should probably order the trees before December, also.
Yes! Yes yes thank you!
Would like to note that orchards and goats don’t mix, the same way that orchards and deer don’t mix 😉 Although if you went with the Nigerian Dwarfs, you wouldn’t have to wrap too high up the trunks to keep them from nibbling/rubbing off the bark… Looking at the list, it’s pretty much everything BUt the kitchen sink, huh? oof.
*grin* Orchards over there *points* Goats over there *points* Since we’ll already have to wrap the trees. Well, just the utility room sink.