Giraffe Call Third Week Summary

And I’m finally done with all the microfic prompts!

If you donated, you may request continuations of stories, 100 words for every dollar donated (preferably spread out no wider than in 50-cent increments). Yay more stories!

Summary Two (LJ)
First Week Summary (LJ)

The Call (LJ)
The Linkback Incentive Stories (LJ)

What I wrote in the last week:

The Leftover Gift (LJ)
In Any Verse (LJ) 2 AU stories of Ty & Jamian

Fae Apoc
Extraction Team (LJ)
‘Ware Fairy Gifts (LJ) Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him…

The Gift Fairy (LJ) “The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job.”
I Want to Tell a Story (LJ) It wasn’t what Miss Kelley was expecting to hear from her students.

Tir na Cali
Secret Santa (LJ)
Belated Yule Gift (LJ), after “Everything”

A Christmas of Melancholy (LJ)

And the entire Call:

In Any Verse (LJ) 2 AU stories of Ty & Jamian
Truth, Beauty (LJ)
The Leftover Gift (LJ)
Peace, Quiet, and the Null (LJ) to [personal profile] inventrix‘s prompt (year ??)
Let Nothing Ye Dismay (LJ)
Always wanted a Pony (LJ)
Goodbye for Now (LJ)
Trojan Gift (LJ) [personal profile] wyld_dandelyon‘s prompt, Addergoole Yr9, Sylvia and Garfunkle
Birthday Present (LJ), Year 9, to cluudle‘s prompt
You’d better watch out, you’d better not… (LJ) to [personal profile] lilfluff‘s prompt, set in the post-apoc of Addergoole, with former students.
Throw out a Line (LJ) [personal profile] jjhunter‘s prompt, after “You’d Better Watch Out”

Fae Apoc
Extraction Team (LJ)
‘Ware Fairy Gifts (LJ) Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him…
Warning Buzz (LJ)
Enlightenment (LJ)
Myrrh (LJ)
Up Shit Creek (LJ), to Rix_scaedu‘s prompt

The Gift Fairy (LJ) “The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job.”
I Want to Tell a Story (LJ) It wasn’t what Miss Kelley was expecting to hear from her students.
Made from Words (LJ)
Miss Midas (LJ)
Gift-Wife (LJ)
The Truth, and Hair-Pieces (LJ)
A Star in the East (LJ)
A True Gift (LJ), to [personal profile] anke‘s prompt
A Present for the Queen of Underhill (LJ) to moon_fox‘s prompt
The Fairy Road (LJ) to [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt
Little Gift (LJ)to [profile] moon_fox‘s prompt

Tir na Cali
Secret Santa (LJ)
Belated Yule Gift (LJ), after “Everything”
Cali Novel 15c (Lj) [Beta]
Chapter 16A (LJ)
Best Present Ever (LJ)
Target (LJ) to [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s prompt, a crossover with Facets
“Can we Be that Close” (did no x-post) – the brothers and sister from last month’s call share gifts

“It is Nice to Share (LJ) (one-off) to Stryck‘s prompt
Everything (LJ) to ellenmillion‘s prompt

The Unexpected Gift (LJ), Autumn & Tattercoats
A Christmas of Melancholy (LJ)

A Very Dragon Xmas (LJ)

Wishing a Merry Christmas (LJ)

Aunt Family
Welcome to the Family (LJ) (Evangaline)
Tell me a Story (LJ) (Rosaria)
Charming (LJ) to [personal profile] moonwolf‘s prompt (Hadelai & Beryl)
King(maker) Cake (LJ) to [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s prompt (Stone, Grandma
Ardella, and Hadelai & Eva’s sister Fallon)
Sweater Set (LJ), a previously-unexplored branch, to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt

Space Accountant
Silk (LJ)
Lucky Day (LJ)

In Bed (LJ), after “Come to Bed” [Beta]

Greetings (LJ), to [personal profile] eseme‘s prompt

Additional Stories Written Later:
Under Scrutiny (LJ)
Encyclopedia Draconic: A Survey of Reproduction Methods (LJ)
Teasers (LJ) Arundel, Sylvia, Porter
Behind Door Number Three (LJ), after “Another Door Opens.”
Strand-Workers and Strand-Working Organizations (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

14 thoughts on “Giraffe Call Third Week Summary

  1. You have multiple entries for Space-Accountant and Stranded that could be grouped. Also, wow, that’s a lot of stories. Would any of these be suitable for anthology submissions?

      • Even the stand-alones? Made of Words, or Gift-Wife, or The Truth and Hair-Pieces, or The Fairy Road — those tell sufficiently complete stories, I think, with no outside context needed. Or even Myrrh, which doesn’t require any of the world backstory even though it fits into it.

              • Clearly we need to sneak some insect prompts into the Aunt series. Spiders (and spider silk, and cobwebs) are important atmospheric components of that sort of old house full of family artifacts, right? Or books to rescue from bookworms. Or something about silk production … Actually, you just wrote one about someone in the faeapoc ‘verse with an insect-y changepower. Could that be coaxed into standing on its own two feet? It’d probably need some filling-out.

                  • As it stands, yes. I’m not sure how much revision it would need to stand by itself — either stripping out the overly-specific stuff, or adding supporting material — and whether it would still fit into its original universe if you did the former. The core, though, of getting a warning from critters most people can’t understand and are disinclined to believe you can hear, is a pretty straight-up classic fairy tale trope, put into a modern setting.

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