I hear that Djinni may be posting icons late today or tomorrow, which means that another icon day is coming which means…
…I need to pick icons to request.
Ahouva (problem: she has no Change)
Spring or Summer
Someone Cali? (Tricky keeping it sweet-and-innocent)
…something in Fae Apoc, not sure who though.
Telepathic purple Clydesdale
Another member of the Facets team
An Aunt, with a Cat (Caunt?)
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/262587.html. You can comment here or there.
For Cali, given you can have headshots only: Patrick, looking outraged perhaps. Keva with a hint of uniform?
Ooh, there is that, yes. 😀
Aud? Your description of her for the Q&A was very. Beryl with her new cat?
Was very?
Very! Hmm. Dramatic? Noir? Much more femme fatale than I’d imagined.
Ah! She does enjoy being noir when she gets a chance.