
It’s really too early for gardening, even if it has been in the 80’s the last couple days here (Last frost date is sometime in April… (looks it up)… this says mid-May, this says early May.

But! Last winter we planted garlic, and it’s coming up brilliantly. We also planted crocuses, and they’ve bloomed, and day lilies, and they’re beginning to come up.

My favorite, though? (I’m silly) Last year, we freecycled (<3 Freecycle) some chives and planted them in a patch of semi-garden next to the house. They're up and ready to be hair-cut already! (I love chives because they're always up before everything else, even in miserably grey, snowy Marches).

Speaking of freecycle, some time ago, I freecycled some seeds. I still have a few left, having stored them in the freezer in an airtight bag in the meantime, so, to fill out the chives, I planted Something that calls itself Chinese Garlic Chives around and between our two chive tufts. All The Chives!

This weekend, we’ll hit the farmstands, finish planning our raised beds, and figure out where to plant the asparagus bed.

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