* What sort of settings do you enjoy reading when I write them? What sort do you wish I’d write more of?
* what length stories do you enjoy reading when I write them?
* What plots do you enjoy/wish I wrote more of?
* What characters do you enjoy?
Feedback bribe: 50 words in your choice of setting if you answer at least two of these with more than one-word answers! 🙂
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/319982.html. You can comment here or there.
I enjoy Addergoole/fae-apoc/Black House, Rin and Girey, Calli, Strands and Dragons Next Door settings the most, although all of them are interesting. Characters I enjoy most: the main family and the dragons in Dragons Next Door; Autumn in Strands but that could be because I’ve see most of her & I’d like to see a bit more of the siblings; Rin & Girey; I think I like Fridmar and Baram because of Penny, the two leads in Black House (do I need to elaborate?), Io and Aya’s family, Rozen and Kai in the apoc period, and I will stop now before I start rambling.
I tend to like big sprawly worlds/universes where there’s a lot going on to explore and plenty of interesting people who aren’t the main characters. You write lots of those. (I’m also fond of elegant scenarios where everything fits together just so; those seem to be less your style, though parts of planners might go there.) (To parallel the characters question, Planners, Unicorn/Factory, and Shadow Rebellion intrigue me, but none of the characters in those have really drawn me in, so while I generally like what you write in them, I don’t squeak for them as much. ETA: and fairytown! And … gah, too many threads.) Stories should be as long as they need to be, and no longer. That said, when they run long I prefer them in somewhat larger chunks, as the forced cliffhanger at the bottom of every page gets to be a bit much. Anon on DW suggested more chapter endings; I like that suggestion. I’m all for more (sub)plot endings, with sequels and other stories in the same world in addition to serials. They’re easier to drag people into without extensive explanations, too. Plot is good! Stuff should totally happen in stories. I tend to prefer protagonists who are motivated, imperfect, and more or less well-intentioned; actual preferences may vary wildly. (Antagonists, too, more or less, actually.) I’m fond of most of the protagonists of Dragons Next Door, and Aunts (especially Beryl, Eva, Ruan, Radar), Genique, Rin, many of the Stranded characters (Autumn, Spring, Winter, Waylen). Moar, please! (All that said, I’ve liked a fair share of the stand-alone pieces, and couldn’t necessarily wrap that up into a coherent explanation, beyond any given one feeling sufficiently complete, and usually having an interesting protagonist.)
* What sort of settings do you enjoy reading when I write them? They’re all intriguing. (sorry, I know that’s not particularly helpful!) * what length stories do you enjoy reading when I write them? Something about two to three of Addergoole’s chapters might work. The lines of prompt continuations seem to suggest the current posting length is not enough to put down all your plot. * What plots do you enjoy/wish I wrote more of? Dragons next door is a really refreshing take on high fantasy Likewise Stranded World and the Aunts. * What characters do you enjoy? All of them. The ones you write come alive. The fact that some… most.. are disturbing in some way is merely a compliment to your writing. Bribery request: continuation of whatever’s going on in Aunts. Preferably something that does more world building/mentions Uncles.