The call for prompts is now OPEN!
I am now taking prompts on the theme of Celebrations and Special Events Leave one or many prompts, and I will write (over the next month) at least one microfic (150-500 words) to each prompter.
Prompts can be related to one of my extant setting (See my landing page) or they can be for something completely different.
Prompting is free! But Donations are always welcome.
If you have donated, I will write to one extra prompt of yours.
In addition, for each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice.
If I get two new prompters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll).
At $30 in donations, T & I will get delicious cake for our birthdays!
At $40 in donations, I will post an additional 1000-2000-word fic on the subject of the audience’s choice.
At $50, anyone who donated $7.50 or more will have a copy of “Alder by Post” mailed to them if they wish
At $70, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator
At $100, I will write three extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator
At $130, I will record a podcast of an audience-choice story and post it for everyone to read.
At $145, T & I will buy ourselves a reel mower!
If I reach $200, I will hold a mid-month Call on a single setting of the readers’ choice. Everyone who tipped will get wordcount-and-a-half
For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.
I also take payment by Dwolla
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.
1) Do the bug invaders have any holidays of their own? If so, what? If not, how do they react to human ones? 2) In the Unicorn/Factory setting, how do people celebrate important milestones such as when a girl goes to the unicorns or a unicorn baby is born? 3) Write about reviving a lost holiday. I’ll be pimping this on LJ, DW, and Facebook.
I have answered your prompt here – Harvest (LJ)
User ysabetwordsmith referenced to your post from Giraffe Call saying: […] ;has the Giraffe Call open for prompts on "Celebrations and Special Events […]
An unexpected birthday. House warming!
I have written to your prompt here – Bruin’s Birthday (LJ)
Celebrations and special events: An occasion that is not marked or celebrated as a festivity, but ought to be.
I have written to your prompt here – I have written to your prompt here – No Parades (LJ)
An odd celebratory food A sad anniversary A birth.
I have answered your prompts here! Returning Paradox (LJ)
Interpreting orders meant to limit options creatively be able to do more than intended, but with a goal of pleasing or rescuing the person giving the orders Homework What can we do to celebrate?
Also, tweeted!
I have answered your first prompt here – Problem Solving (LJ)
What do animals celebrate?
I have answered your prompt here Spring (LJ)
Thank you :3 I’m curious to know what will happen next, but I’ll wait to see what else comes from the others’ prompts before I choose what my words will go to.
*grin* Fair enough!!
User rix_scaedu referenced to your post from Aldersprig’s April Giraffe Call saying: […] Yes, it's that time of the month again! has opened her April Giraffe call […]
User rix_scaedu referenced to your post from Aldersprig’s April Giraffe Call saying: […] fiction prompts! Go and prompt […]
Unbirthdays. High tea. Roasting (or toasting, if you prefer) the bride and/or groom. First date. Lighting the first fire of the winter. Learn-to-knit day. Thursday the 12th, holy day of Geskekelud, god of the south, chaos, the touched, parties, prophesy (especially if false, if you must know), and pottery shards. says: Cheese weasel day Sol Invictus
I have written to your prompt here –
I have written to Sauergeek’s prompt here
Anybody do debutante parties in your settings? Might be neat to see if one of the other species in Dragon Next Door does. A big marriage celebration. Maybe multiple marriages all at once! The crowning of a new king/queen.
I have answered your prompt here – The Empress is Dead… (LJ)
The first meal on a new paycheck Spiritual transition Family reunions (should be special, but aren’t always) Finding the forgotten
I have combined your last two prompts here – I loved your first prompt, but just couldn’t come up with anything for it.
* Tir na Cali: Brothers/Sisters – The siblings find themselves with a reason to hold a celebration. * Hmm, for that matter, Tir na Cali or one of the other settings, a big family celebration from the servants point of view. * The Planners: While the going was undoubtedly tough at first (even with lots of planning) what about once they had time to sit back and say, “We did it! We planned for it and we survived it!” * Space Accountant: Genique’s first birthday as a space pirate… * The first anniversary of the alien conquest of Earth… * A company that requires employees to describe and actually celebrate their Personal Holiday days (The previous place I worked gave everyone a personal holiday, one day that on your HR calendar. It didn’t guarantee you would get the day off, but you did get time-and-a-half if you worked that day.)
I have answered your last prompt here- Lost Day (LJ)
I think I would like to see a McAlien celebration – a fun one. And I shall admit to being curious about celebrations in the Black House…
I have answered your prompt here – Harvest (LJ)