Archive | April 27, 2012

Djinni Icon Time!

So! Djinni has completed another set of icons!! (That’s Summer, up there, giving me 3/4 of a set:

(Winter, Autumn, Summer)

I also got an image of Beryl and the Damn Cat, bringing me to three Aunt Family icons by three different artists

Annnnnnnnnnd with icons posted,
Icon Day 22 is up! Which means decisions!

I’ll satisfy @inventrix’s idea of a set and get Spring for my first icon. Buuuut if the donations get to $300 (And the have the last umpteen times)… what then?
Thoughts include:
* A gremlin or pixie from Dragons Next Door
* A blue person from Vas World
* Ciara, Ahouva, or another Yr 9 character
* Pepper, Fuchsia, or another Year 14 character (okay, that one’s probably silly)
* Another Facets character.


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Multiverse pairings for fun

Stolen from [personal profile] d_generate_girl:

Give me Prompts!

I will write at least a drabble for any fandom/pairing/scenario you want(*). Crossovers welcome, porn welcome, non-porn also welcome, any and all sources you know we share. My verses, fan verses, your verses if I know them and you want me to play. This is a non-canon fun fest here, folks.

(*) as always, we know I get bored after a while and stop writing. But I’ll try to get one/person at least.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

On Buying Books

I’ve been thinking.

In the last, say, six years, I’ve bought books:

* Because a friend lent me the first book and I don’t want to wait for them to finish the next in a series.

* Because a friend lent me the first few and I want to re-read the series.

* Because I met the author on livejournal and she was cool

* Because I met the author on Twitter and she was cool

* Because I met the author in person and she was cool

(The “she” in the last three examples is specific; they were all female).

* Because the cover intrigued me.

What about you?

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