Archive | May 3, 2012

What I did on my April Vacation (@inventrix)

So! In talking to @inventrix today, I realized I hadn’t told you guys yet about our AWESOME vacation last week.

So! Monday afternoon, T & I drove up to Troy-Albany-etc., where E.Mc & Kris have a lovely no-longer-pink house. E.Mc & Kris are just about our best friends in the world, but they live 3-1/2 hours away, so seeing them is always a bit of an arrangement. And a treat!

This visit had an ulterior motive, other than the shopping (I came home with a new desk and a new desk chair) and the birthday presents (They got us a Soda Stream! And I have a real pan to cook roux in now! And lots of other awesome things!) and the delicious food (so much food so much food) and the awesome company…

…Elizabeth Bear and Scott Lynch were doing a reading and signing nearby.

Elizabeth Bear is one of my top 3 favorite authors ever, and Terry Pratchett and Jim Butcher are less likely to stop by upstate NY. So this is, like, one of the most awesome things ever for me. Somehow (mostly due to pure panic), I managed not to act like a stupid fangirl. Mostly.

They both read a lengthy piece, Lynch from his upcoming third book in his (awesome) Locke Lamora series, which made me borrow the first one from E.Mc because wow, and Bear read a short story from the same ‘verse as her new novel Range of Ghosts.

Then we got books signed. And I, uh, told a famous author I wanted to be her when I grew up (I’d better hurry; she’s 5 years older than I am and has published 12 novels in 10 years. O_O) She either recognized me from LJ or pretended very well. (eee)

And then I went and hid in the back for a while because eeee. Um. Still working on this networking thing. But Eee. Um. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Also? I finished The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, and you should totally read it. And then everything by Elizabeth Bear. Go, do that. I’ll wait.

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Thursday it’s Summer

The sun is out! My sandals are on! The weather is beautiful again! Summer must be here.. .*knock on wood*

I’ve been sanding away on the dresser, and hope to have it ready to paint by the weekend. I’m ridiculously happy about this. *bounce bounce*

Dinner tonight will be chicken soup – stage 2 in our 3-stage leftovers meal: Rotisserie Chicken –> chicken noodle soup –> risotto. Mmmm tasty. 🙂

Really, that’s about it going on in my life right now. I’m trying to stay back on the Weight Watchers Wagon, to start peeling off the rest of the weight before my cousin’s October wedding. And, of course, I’m writing.

Home-redo projects I like:
Floating Wall Display Shelf I might need one of these in my study someday.

Chair transformations – I’ve been contemplating doing something like this (get 4 mismatched chairs & paint & upholster them to match) – but that’s far down the line.

Also? been knitting like mad.

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