Archive | May 18, 2012

Soliciting opinions about a new serial


Addergoole, my webserial of three-plus years, is coming to an end by mid-June, and I am beginning to contemplate ideas for a new serial.

The plan is for an episodic, season-based one-year run, with an option for renewal for a second year, and one long episode a week for 52 weeks.

My current ideas include:

* Steam-Reiassan, set in the world of Rin & Girey but several centuries in the future.
* Addergoole Year 9, set 4 years after the current serial
* Facets of Dusk
* Something Space Opera
* Something involving someone f-to-m genderswapped

It’s neither a long nor comprehensive list yet. So! Is there anything on there that really, really catches your eye? Is there anything else you’d rather see me do a serial on? Any other feedback?

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Gods, a story of Tír na Cali for the Giraffe Call

To [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt

“You can’t just do this to people!” Charles was struggling against… Well, against everything, but at the moment, the cuffs holding his wrists to his ankles, the collar chained to the wall behind him, and the general concept of slavery, not to mention the woman standing in front of him, looking far too amused and far too obnoxiously hot.

“As a matter of fact, we can.” Svetlana sat down in a comfortable chair that seemed to be placed in this otherwise-bare room for the sole purpose of gloating at him.

“This is bullshit. Just because you have a couple tricks…” He’d seen their “tricks” already, and if he weren’t so pissed, he’d have to admit they were impressive… “doesn’t give you control over other people’s lives. You guys have some sort of god complex or something.”

The woman laughed. “As a matter of fact…”

“Oh, hells no, don’t tell me you people think you’re gods or some such fucked up shit.”

She smirked at him. “Don’t say it like that to anyone else around here. But, as a matter of fact, my people – grey eyes, red hair, long names? – call themselves the Tuatha Dé Danann. The Children of Danu. So yes, we do think we’re gods, or descended from them.”

“Seriously?” He stopped struggling against the chains and looked at her in shock.

“Seriously. The story goes, in the days before history, Danu kissed her Consort…”


“It started with a kiss, at least.” She could not be fazed by lewd comments. He’d already tried that anyway. “And from she and her Consort came the people of Eire, our people.”

“So you seriously believe you’re gods?”

“Me? I believe I have power, wealth, and a royal title. That suits me better than godhead.” She leaned forward in her chair and tapped his shoulder. “And I have you, which is a pleasant perk.”

He studied the crazy woman in front of him, and tugged ruefully once again at his chains. “Gods.”

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Multiverse pairings for fun: Luke and Autumn

From this meme; Luke is from Addergoole, Autumn is from Stranded ‘Verse.

“Well, hel-lo.” It was out of Autumn’s mouth before she could stop herself. The man standing in the doorway of her booth was handsome, beyond handsome, gorgeous, in a craggy, soldier-rugged sort of way. Not normally her type… but then again, her type had not done her very well.

“Hello.” His voice matched his face, and the way he was looking at her seemed to mirror her impressions back at her. Then he found her face, and his smile was almost bashful. “Hello, miss. Are you Autumn Roundtree?”

“That I am, that I am. Step inside, peruse my wares.” Any wares you want.

“Your sister, Summer, sent me to you. I need your help.” He looked a little more abashed, and then, with a shrug that almost seemed to flare out wings behind him, he admitted, “I’m a long way from home, and I’m lost.”

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