Archive | May 2012

Belated Last-weekend-was-awesome post

So… Last weekend was awesome.

I feel guilty about that, because I still miss Drake. It’s hard to even look at his things without sniffling. But this weekend was still really good, and I think that’s okay.

First: there was a small wine festival about 40 minutes out of town (At the local ski resort, which was clever of them). We drank lots of wine and had lots of fun and bought a couple bottles – and I may not be allergic to goat wool!

We stopped on the way home at our favorite bulk store, got roast beef and cheese and pasta, and stopped at two plant stores and the beer store for plants and olive oil, then came home to a dinner of shrimp with olive oil, blue cheese crumbles, tomato and pasta. Nom.

Between Saturday and Sunday, we planted acorn squash, leeks, leeks, leeks, flowers, and two raspberry bushes, worked on the dresser, weeded,… oh, yeah, planted peas… and generally spent a lot of time outdoors playing in the yard. Awesome weekend. Absolutely awesome.

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Ciara! What’s she look like?

So kuroseishin is doing an Icon sale (which go check out) and I realized I don’t have a description for Ciara yet or her Change.

Anybody picture her at all?

I think she’s petite, and I think she’s of the family line (Fridmar) that turns colors with the Change.

All right. She’s a daughter of Fridmar. She’s short-by-my-standards, 5’4″ or so, and resembles Miroslava Duma, especially in this set of pictures.

We don’t know much about her except that she bakes, she’s been training in combat, and she’s polite and likes lists (sounds like someone I know).

I think her Change turns her into a deep nut-brown elf-girl. She gets a bit slenderer and a lot taller (8″ taller), her ears go long and pointy, her eyes go tiger-eye, and her hair gets veins of lighter brown like a rock.

…She is Taro’s half-sister maternally!

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The Study of Emerging Cultures

Continuing flash series! I’m going to write one flash for every Icon I have, over 4 LJ accounts, 1 DW, and a whole bunch of not-currently-in-use, until I get bored or run out of icons.

Today’s icon:

My Anthropologist, from The Planners ‘Verse

Icon & Art by [personal profile] meeks

Before This story.

Late Autumn, 315 Post-Conflict

For the entirety of my decade as a scholar in the Tower, I studied Ancient Cultures. The Ancients division of the Library is one of the largest, and it is an intensive field of study.

However, the problem with Ancient Cultures is that, almost to a one, they are Ancient and thus gone, lost in the Conflict or long before that. One can read about them endlessly, theorize, study, hypothesize, but one can not actually visit these cultures. In many cases, one cannot even visit their ruins.

However, in the branching study of Emerging Cultures, one has quite a bit more room for exploration and study. The isolated nature of the population pockets after the Conflict means that, in the past three centuries, many different cultures have evolved.

Some, such as the Wild Tribes, are not currently open for embedded exploration, the way the Tower’s Scholars prefer to study. The Tower has attempted such. Every single attempt has ended poorly, indeed, fatally.

(I must admit I was still tempted. A one hundred percent chance of death is no deterrent to knowledge!)

Instead, I have acquired myself a position in one of the canal towns, a port from pre-Conflict made over into the shape of the new world. It is a benign and placid place, no more foreign than my mother’s farm.

But I have learned, to my eternal joy, that several grouped family units of the so-called Wild Tribes visit this town regularly to trade. I hear I will meet the Kybelii next week!

Finally, I shall begin to learn the truth of Emerging Cultures!

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(MoarPls) Learning the Bones of the City, a continuation

After Rediscovering the City, from the January Giraffe Call.

It was the job of a lifetime. My lifetime. My apprentices’ lifetimes. And the handsome scientist from SUNY Geneseo with the blue, blue eyes – his lifetime, too.

The City out of Nowhere was becoming the state project. More than that, it was a state revitalization. The Parks Service had, after a good deal of arm-wrestling with every other department and bureau in the state (as well as a bunch of three-letter-acronyms), claimed the city, set up a perimeter, and started regulating who could go in and out.

Lucky me, as a stonemason, I got to keep going in. The place was in pretty good shape, for its age, but it needed work, a lot of work, and my team had already surveyed most of it. So we stayed.

We stayed while the tourists came, while the photographers and the paper-writers and the linguists came. Us, and then the pipefitters, and the landscapers, and the bricklayers. And the brains. And the scientist from SUNY Geneseo with those stupid blue eyes.

All the brains wanted to talk about how best to restore the buildings, whether we should at all, whether this was an artifact that should be left pristine and un-touched. They wanted to talk about how we should best honor the former inhabitants, but whoever that had been, they left nothing.

(Almost nothing. When repairing what we were calling a church, we found their ash-urn storage, and the biologists went to town on tiny, tiny bone fragments.)

So we went from living outside the walls in a kind of tent city, to living in the walls, in what could sort have been an apartment building closest to the biggest gate, and we went from just-fix-the-really-broken-stuff to actually renovating the place, and then they started talking about tourist housing. Because damn were we getting tourists coming out of the stonework.

We can make her live again, I’d said, when I’d first touched the city’s ancient bones. And we were. I just hadn’t realized quite how literally that would turn out.

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Steam!Callennan (Callennian?) costuming: Headgear and link

[personal profile] inventrix has a post on Imperial robes here. Also check out her tumblr for sketches.

Head Coverings:

I *like* head coverings. But I can’t imagine the faith of the Callennan as I’ve been thinking of it having a head-covering modesty thing going on.
On the other hand, the North of Reiassan is *cold*

This is the picture that got me thinking in the direction of head coverings

This is richer and prettier

Massively rich head covering

I can see this comign from something designed for warmth:

I can see this style of hate coming into fashion easily:
It sort of echoes theshape of the Russian fur hat:–Fur/Detail

And, for something a bit different, I really like the third one down here –
and here –
and here

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In the Tower, a beginning of a story idea

It had gotten to the point where Bobbie could barely remember home. Home that wasn’t the tower, at least, home that had, if he closed his eyes and really, really, thought hard, four straight walls and a straight roof and, possibly most importantly, an exit. Several of them, including the bedroom window he’d snuck out of more than once… but maybe one time too many.

That, that, he remembered very vividly. Sneaking out his window, slinking along the fence line, down to his buddy Jack’s place, and then, the grip like a hand holding him armpits to hips, the sudden sensation of being pulled off his feet.

And then… and then there was the tower. He wasn’t very clear on how he’d gotten in here, but there was certainly no getting out. Not alive, at least.

When he’d first woken up, Bobbie had looked out the window and thought dumbest kidnapper ever. This is a giant tower- later he’d learn it was one of five giant towers -out in the middle of a field. My folks will find me in no time.

He didn’t know how long ago that had been, but it had been quite a while, and, for some reason, nobody seemed to find the giant towers in the middle of a field. Maybe they weren’t looking. Maybe they’d set him up.

Somebody knew he was here. Food came up by basket three times a day. (He’d tried escaping that way, only to discover that he didn’t fit in the basket chute, and that trying meant he didn’t get food for two days), and books, and learning materials, books, games, anything he asked for. Anything except an exit.

Somebody was keeping him here for a reason. Bobby paced the confines of his cell once again, and wondered – not what the reason was, not this time. This time, he wondered if he was going to regret knowing, when he finally found out.

Next: In the Tower, Continued

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Icon Flash: Summer

Continuing flash series! I’m going to write one flash for every Icon I have, over 4 LJ accounts, 1 DW, and a whole bunch of not-currently-in-use, until I get bored or run out of icons.

Today’s icon:

Summer, from Stranded World.

Icon & Art by Djinni

“So what are you going to do about it?” Summer had stolen away from her boyfriend and girlfriend for a few minutes; she liked having them, liked them a lot, but she missed Basil. And, as it turned out, Basil had missed her, too.

“I don’t know.” He threw his shoe into his laundry hamper, the second one following soon afterward, and huffed out air. “I didn’t think this was going to be the hard part of dating.”

“Yeah. It always is.”

“You date assholes, Summer.”


“Okay, current datees excepted. For now. Bishop seems like a nice guy, and your girl is pretty… for a girl.”

She barks out a laugh. “I thought you were sick of hearing about my love life.”

“I am. But I’m sick of talking about my … can’t call it a love life.”

“If you didn’t like him, it wouldn’t be this hard, hon.” She reached over and hugged Basil as tightly as she could, breathing in his smell. She missed that – and he gave really good hug, getting his whole body into it, making her feel warm and loved and safe.

She tried to give that back to him, now, and thought about painful deaths for Basil’s current problem. “I dunno, Baz. Maybe, just mayyybe, he’s just not getting it. It’s possible he’s not an asshole.”

“Did he date you?” If he was feeling well enough about it to tease, it might work out all right.

She grinned back at him. “Nah, I’m not his type. So? See, there’s hope for him. Ask him about it?”

“I will.” Basil tightened the hug for a minute. “You should come around more, Sum.”

“I know.” She patted his back apologetically, drawing a good-luck charm in the process. “I act as an asshole magnet, so you don’t have to deal with them.”


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A fashion History of Reiassan, a loose blather @freosan @inventrix

To describe the fashion of Reiassan, I need to describe, quickly, the history of the two people of that continent.

The primary race, called the Callennan (or Callanthe, before I started conlanging and realized they didn’t have a -th) … ((some of their history is listed here)) … started as goat-people and, over centuries, slowly some of them ended up joining, as a culturally oppressed minority, the people who we know as the Bitrani, on the east coast of the continent I’m calling Homeland.

A group of Bitrani and some Callennan colonized the continent known as Reiassan and, some 50-100 years into this colonization, a shifting climate made the trip between the two continents no longer feasible, rendering the Reiassani independent of the empire back home.

500 years of war bring us to the era of Rin & Girey.
Another 1000 years of completely uncharted brings us to the Steam-Callenia era.

And now what little I know about the Callennan fashion. First, historically.

Okay! So they started out, the proto-goat-people
((This is a good time to note that their goats are pony-sized and riding animals))
wearing essentially felted wool short-shorts and vest.

The person woman who figured out linen undergarments is a cultural hero.

I figure being stranded on another continent put back their sartorial development a bit as they spent a century or so just trying to survive in a suddenly-cold world.

I have some early notes on clothing here.

In the Rin/Girey era, men and women alike wear:
a qitari, a tunic-like shirt buttoned to one side with a short mandarin collar. The side the shirt is buttoned on as well as the material and embroidery on this layer indicate status and wealth
This shirt goes to mid-hip and has flared sleeves just past the elbow

Under that, a similar shirt, slightly longer in hem and with fitted sleeves to the wrist. Wrist and hem are elaborately decorated in embroidery, ribbon, beading… depending on the region.

(more layers may be placed between these for ceremonial purposes or in winter

Under that, a knitted tube of goat wool from underarm to hip – essentially, an undershirt.

Under that, women bind their breasts.

On the lower half, men and women alike will wear flowing pants, split skirts, or skirts, also in at least two layers. Soft-soled boots and gloves or mittens complete the outfit; I haven’t figured out headwear yet.

And then, steam era:

Okay! So, if Rin-and-Girey era is Roman-era technology (Mid-Rome), Steam-Callennan is, well, Steamy. Fashion probably has a wider range from farmer to princess.

Farmer probably wear much what their ancestors wore.

[note: must figure out when the Homeland continent rediscovered Reiassan, or vise-versa]

High fashion, then: keeping the layered look, the love of bright colors, and the asymmetry, probably still a riding culture for many people, although carriages exist. If I think about this, I end up thinking of something Loli, which isn’t quite what I’m looking for.

Side track: The Callennan ideal body type is broad-shouldered, medium-hipped, with high, medium breasts (not huge, that is) one women and long dark hair on both. Men are expected to be broad-chested and not heavy/fat.

What I’m picturing: A very fitted wastcoat/bodice as a top layer, with the same side buttoning, but a dipped down neckline, coming up to high, folded-over collars. This would come down to the hips.

Under that, much as in earlier times, a shirt with flared sleeves over either an undershirt somehow done elaborately or several more flared bells and then and undershirt (or one middle layer with ruffles) and flared pants or skirts in several layers, over firmer boots, possibly in dyed leather.

The small corner of culturally-Bitrani people wear duller colors, maybe a lot of white, since they’re still more Southern, in less layers.

ETA: Climate
The capital, Lannamer, is like… a bit colder than Toronto. Coastal, but protected, but north-cold. The far South is a bit like the Carolinas. And in Steam-Era they do have some sort of indoor heating.

EETA: Etc.

Right-buttoned indicates skilled, left-buttoning indicates unskilled.
Curly hair is considered exotic the way red hair is in modern US.

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