Regine likes things to be tidy and does them almost the same way every year. 🙂
(* week before first sunday: old students arrive)
* First Sunday: New Students arrive
* First Monday: Classes begin
* First Friday (probably lunch): the “reveal” of the Changes. Many students don’t drop Mask now, however.
* First Saturday: first dance. In theory, every second saturday after that
* Second Thursday: theoretical mentor-choosing deadline
* Second Saturday: Hell Night
* Third Monday: Magic testing, magic classes begin
* Magic classes switch off every 2 weeks.
Anything I’m missing?
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Sounds about right. I’m more curious about the end of year things. When does the geas get laid? What about final year students? Holidays and children? etc
Graduation is the last… /random/ Saturday in June, after a week of exams, much of which are Mentor-based, not class-based. The geas is lain at an all-school assembly the Saturday before that. Totally making this up as I go. Holidays start right after graduation.