Last week was immensely busy for me at Day Job, and then I topped it off by taking a 4-day weekend, 2 days of which involved company, and the other two of which involved recuperating.
Thus, my writing has been very slow for a week or two, and I’m just now getting my brain back into Writing Mode.
I’m still here, though.
How’s everyone else?
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Waving, not drowning!
*waves back* hi!
Good! Close to caught up on LJ (just behind on writing, not on the mundane posts). Also sent you an email with pics!
I saw! It’s awesome, thank yoU!!
You’re welcome! I had fun with my mini-photo-shoot.
I can tell! They’re beautiful!
I had good material to work with. I hope they make for good publicity.
Me, too!!
Still here and still alive, for some value… ;-p
Well, that’s a start, no?