Archive | August 2012

Upcoming Giraffe Call: Rabbit Safari

(The reason for the name will become clear soon (but not in this post), I promise)

So! [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith will be hosting her monthly fishbowl on the 7th, next Tuesday.

That means my Giraffe Call will be on the 18th, 3 Satyr-days from now.

And I don’t have a clue for a theme. Suggestions?

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<3 Microclimates!

Guys, I am so excited about my garden!!

It’s not a big garden – two 4’x24′ strips – but it’s going wild.

I’ve been very good about watering it any day we don’t have rain (This particular corner of NYS isn’t in a drought so I’m not breaking any water regulations) and the heat has been awesome for my tomato plants. They are just sproinging out all over the place – this is going to be (knock on wood) the best tomato crop we’ve ever gotten, and not just ’cause I went nuts planting plants.

The Finger Lakes climate is generally different from that where I grew up – Lake Ontario has its own band of warmer, wetter weather, so this area, 2 hours away, is colder in winter but less snowy, in general (No giant lake to moderate, or dump snow on us). That’s got to be part of it, the unseasonably warm March also part, and I’m guessing microclimates have something to do with it, too: we’ve got no shortage of water here. I mean, our well has an overflow tube O_O.

I am /very excited/ to see what this crop provides – and we are already eating tomatoes and cukes from our garden!!


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Countdown to Addergoole Year 9: Miryam!

52 35 Days To 52 Weeks

For the 52 days leading up to the 52 weeks of Addergoole: Year 9, I will be posting something Addergoole-related (almost) every day.

This evening I present: Miryam!
And a prototype of my Cast Page Character Summaries for perusal and suggestion:

Miryam is a tiny, lovely fairy; Masked, she’s a petite, pixyish girl with long brown hair, warm cafe-au-lait skin, and startlingly green eyes. Unmasked, she’s even more petite and more pixieish, adding green wings and antennae.

Although she originated as a roleplay character, as did Cynara, she has yet to have her own story. In Year Nine, she is the hapless Ninth Cohort in a crew with such lovely people as Kendon, Ahouva’s Keeper.

I offer her up to your questions today!

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Prompting, writing, and words to my prompts!

[personal profile] rix_scaedu has written Worth the Trek to my prompt in her prompt call: Go give her prompts!!

Kiss of Judas has written Cup of Tea to my prompt! She and @Inventrix have started “Our Pens, Your Pennies; check it out and leave them a prompt!

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Dragons Next Door: The Dragons Next Door beginning

This is: This week’s donor perk story. It’s also a test beginning for something I’ve been working on – a self-standing, separate Dragons Next Door story. I think the first paragraph comes off a bit juvenile, but here it is.

The dragons next door moved in on the first day of school.

This left Juniper with a bit of a dilemma. On the one hand, she was looking forward to a new year of school. Her new teacher, Miss Milligan, had come into the classroom the last day before summer vacation, along with the other third grade teacher, Mr. Howard. Everyone else had wanted Mr. Howard; he was cool, with sunglasses and jokes from TV. Juniper had been intrigued by Miss Milligan’s storybook, and her long, flowing skirt, old-fashioned and pretty, like Juniper’s mother’s, and her silly hat. When the letter had come from the school, Juniper had danced down the driveway, clutching the letter. She was going to get the wonderful teacher!

And then the morning of the first day of school came, and there on the grass, just over the short stone wall her father had built (the last neighbors had been ogres, and not the best at yard-work), there were dragons! Not just one dragon, but a whole family, four of them, the adults brightly colored, the smaller ones duller-shaded, like grass and water. Dragons!

She hopped over to the wall before her father could stop her, peering over, waving. “Hello!” It was always important to be polite. Her mother had taught her that.

“Juniper!” Just as her father hurried over, the biggest of the dragons looked up. It opened its mouth up, bigger, bigger. Its fangs were longer than Juniper’s arm! It moved its head closer to the fence, slithering on the ground. Its tongue was the same pink as its underbelly scales, forked, like a snake’s. Even its nostrils were huge.

“Hello.” Solemnly, it offered up one claw to Juniper. Very carefully, she took the claw in both her hands and shook.

“Welcome to the neighborhood.”

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Countdown to Addergoole Year 9: Garfunkle!

52 35 Days To 52 Weeks

For the 52 days leading up to the 52 weeks of Addergoole: Year 9, I will be posting something Addergoole-related (almost) every day.

Today I present to you Garfunkle!

Garfunkle has appeared in Trojan Gift, Prickly, and In the Infirmary.

Gar is a solemn-faced teen of primarily Irish ancestry before his change, with pale ginger hair and dark blue-green eyes, a complexion prone to freckling and a very stubborn chin. He stands about 5ā€™10ā€ tall, with a bit of muscle on him, just enough to avoid being lanky or lean; heā€™s been trying to bulk out. Heā€™ll have a nice chest and six-pack if he ever works for it. He keeps his hair cut very short to avoid the curl, and hasnā€™t started to grow in real facial hair yet.

Heā€™s prone to wearing a hoodie over sarcastic-saying T-shirts and whatever jeans appear to fit; he wears combat boots unlaced and likes to wear a baseball cap when heā€™s not wearing a hoodie (and sometimes when he is).

Ask him anything!

The first seven question-and-answer sessions are still open as well:
Reid Solomon & DJ
43 to go: Jeremiah and Lolly (LJ)
45 to Go: Timora (LJ)
46 to Go: Porter (LJ)
47 to go: Wylie (LJ)

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Character Description: Garfunkle

skulldog is offering $7 icons, so I present to you a description of Garfunkle!

b. September 22, 1987
Father: unknown, shared with Kellagh (he does not know this, although he was raised by his father)
Mother: Shared with Isra, Shiva (nor does he know this)

Gar has never been what youā€™d call popular. Heā€™s always had a couple friends, but his temper, a long-fuse-hot-explosion sort, has gotten him in trouble in more than one school and lost him more than a few friends. Never athletic, he took to the karate lessons his parents enrolled hm in like a fish to water but, despite their wishes, the martial art didnā€™t teach him to control his anger, just gave him further destructive force.

Heā€™s good at classes without trying, an A student who tests and acts like a B-and-C student; he gets bored easily, and gets irritated even more easily. His teachers often came with pre-conceptions about him, which made them treat him like a troublemakerā€¦ which made him get angry, which made him make trouble. At the end of his last year of ā€œnormalā€ school, heā€™d just gotten kicked out for the third time. He assumes heā€™s being sent to Addergoole because his familyā€™s run out of local schools to send him to and his dadā€™s not the type to go for military school.

He has one younger sibling he assumes is a while-sibling, but, then again, he thinks his stepmother is his mother. Fairuza will come to school three years after her brother. He is protective of Fairuza if sheā€™s in trouble, but for the most part, doesnā€™t want much to do with her and ignores her and her girly friends. However, his temper has never exploded on her – or, until he comes to Addergoole, on any woman or girl.

Heā€™s a solemn-faced teen of primarily Irish ancestry before his change, with pale ginger hair and dark blue-green eyes, a complexion prone to freckling and a very stubborn chin. He stands about 5ā€™10ā€ tall, with a bit of muscle on him, just enough to avoid being lanky or lean; heā€™s been trying to bulk out. Heā€™ll have a nice chest and six-pack if he ever works for it. He keeps his hair cut very short to avoid the curl, and hasnā€™t started to grow in real facial hair yet.

Heā€™s prone to wearing a hoodie over sarcastic-saying T-shirts and whatever jeans appear to fit; he wears combat boots unlaced and likes to wear a baseball cap when heā€™s not wearing a hoodie (and sometimes when he is).

His Change gives him a couple inches in the shoulders, chest, hips, arms, and thighs, making him a bit more solid. More importantly, it adds rocky plates to his arms and legs, a long ridge of the same rock above each ear, curving back down to meet in the back over his spine, and give him the ability to shoot off crags of the same red stone when heā€™s angry or threatened. He is not particularly a good candidate for, say, attacking in a hallway.

Unsurprisingly, heā€™s awesome at Eperu. Heā€™s pretty good at Kwxe, decent at Panida and all right at Huamu. He rocks at Idu (ha), is pretty good at Buli, and is passable at Abutu and Jasfe. He will never master Tuapeka or Hugr, and will only be halfway decent at Masking.

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