Archive | November 12, 2012

If I were an ice cream cone…

To @dahob’s questions in response to this post this morning.: I have characters one through 23. Ask me something about them, or something about one or two or three of them!

Character number 9: If I were an ice cream cone. How would you eat me?
“Ahh…” Ahouva is not sure how to handle that one. “Quickly, I guess, so you wouldn’t get me all sticky.”

Character number 17, if you could be a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be and why?
Nilam laughs uncomfortably. “A fruit? Okay, that’s one thing I haven’t gotten accused of. I mean!” He blushes hotly. “Probably an apple, decently sweet, a bit tart, and I take a bit of work to chew on.”

And then [personal profile] rix_scaedu‘s:
How do 19, 5 and 11 get on?
Æowyn and Ciara are a bit cautious around each other; they’re very strong personalities and not immediate friends. Æo doesn’t really want anything to do with Gar, and, although he finds her cute and rather pleasant, he has that angry-man’s angry response to a girl who doesn’t warm up quickly to him.
Gar would probably get along fine with Ciara, and vice-versa, but Sylvia doesn’t really approve of Ciara, so they don’t have much chance to find out.

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The Things That Pop Into My Head (Cya, Yoshi, and another)

Sometime after Yoshi’s time at Addergoole


Yoshi watched his mother’s voice move without sound for a while. From long experience, he could tell that she was angry and trying not to show it, probably to protect the skinny cat-boy… cat-person at Yoshi’s side. The cat-person wearing her collar.

“Son, when I asked you to watch my Kept while I was out, this is not what I had in mind.”

“I know.” He couldn’t help squirming a little bit, and not just for said Kept’s sake. “But you said we could play, and he’s very good at Tlaca… the body Word, and so we thought we’d…” He gestured with his hands, not really explaining anything.

“And then you just, I don’t know, happened to get lucky, and you impregnated my Kept?” She raised an eyebrow. She knew as well as he did that he was always lucky. Although this one was sort of iffy on the positive-luck scale.


“Mmm….” As uncomfortable as it was, Yoshi had to admit it was kind of interesting watching his mom not have a plan. “We’ll figure it out. This is not what I meant by wanting more grandkids, by the way.”

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25,000 (and six!)

Thanks in large part to a nanowrimo meetup yesterday morning-afternoon, I managed to reach 25,000 last night!

The last line of this part of my nano project:

It was fun watching his Keeper blush. Quintus didn’t have much time to enjoy it, though; just then the room fell suddenly silent, and he was overtaken with an urge to stare at the stage and the Director.

I had a lot of fun last night with people asking me questions about my characters to help me round them out, so I’m going to continue it here.

I have characters one through 23. Ask me something about them, or something about one or two or three of them!

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