For Trix

Cya liked her job.

That wasn’t surprising, really; with the help of her Mentor she’d faked the credentials she couldn’t push through properly, gotten an internship with a company that did something close enough for a resume, and now, three years after Addergoole, she had papers and a DBA saying she was an official security consultant.

What that meant in practice was that people paid her to find the holes in their security, digital and physical, and to tell them how to fill them.

Most days, she could let her power and the things her father had taught her take care of the heavy lifting. Today, however, she was waiting outside a college, looking for a blonde head of hair and a set of antlers she wouldn’t be able to see.

“Hi.” She loved the acid look she got from the girl walking next to her crew-mate. Barking up the wrong tree, darling, and I’ve been barking there longer than most. “I need to borrow you.”

“Great!” She wondered how long the over-done girl had been hounding Leo, from the way he jumped. “What do you need?”

“We’re going to break into a bank.”

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