Archive | December 11, 2012

Themes du Giraffe (et Fishie)

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has open in her journal a call for fishbowl themes.

Which led me to think about my upcoming Giraffe call, and those coming through 2013 – and realize I was running a bit dry on themes myself.

I sort of have “the future is now” as a theme for this coming Giraffe Call, but I don’t even know if I like that one, and I don’t have anything for the upcoming year.

So after you go give Ysabet some ideas, stop back and give me some?

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#Lexember post Seven Conlanging objects in the Cālenyan world – PLUNDER!

This was going to be about butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers, but I decided plunder was more fun.

The Cālenyana have a very bellicose culture, and one of their oldest words and concepts is plunder, spoils of war: dīkiz.

It comes with its paired word dyukez, souvenirs, or useless trinkets brought home from war.

And a similar word: dezhiz – temporary gains, or land claimed in a battle, but not won in the war. And useless gains, or Pyrrhic gains: dyuzh

Spoils of war aren’t just things or land, either: dīkizātē is a person who has been taken – what Rin refers to as a “war-bride” or a “war-groom.” And an udenīkiz is an idea – a large idea, some big concept – that is grabbed from another culture. The Cālenyana have a lot of those.

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