ysabetwordsmith has open in her journal a call for fishbowl themes.
Which led me to think about my upcoming Giraffe call, and those coming through 2013 – and realize I was running a bit dry on themes myself.
I sort of have “the future is now” as a theme for this coming Giraffe Call, but I don’t even know if I like that one, and I don’t have anything for the upcoming year.
So after you go give Ysabet some ideas, stop back and give me some?
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/429504.html. You can comment here or there.
Themes… Unexpected connections The only way out is through (or perhaps the only way through is out) passions food
Betrayal. First kiss, firsts. Spring. Winter.
<scratches head> I … see nothing wrong with swiping some from there? Or from sketchfest? Or where ever else there are stray prompts around? I can’t speak for anyone else, but I wasn’t particularly considering the requestor-of-prompts when flinging them around. (I keep a prompts file, though it’s mostly sketchfest-level specific rather than themes, so that I have somewhere to fling stray ideas.) Orchards and vineyards Snips and snails and puppy dog tails Orchestral On the wing A minute, a year, a lifetime In transition Titles and responsibilities
I’ve stolen ideas before, so I don’t mind once in a while, but I don’t want to duplicate hers exactly. That could get boring!!
I think by the time you go through ‘borrowed theme’ to specific prompts to you writing in response to prompts, there won’t be much in the way of duplication — even without allowing for writing poetry to your prose.
Well, true, but if she does Steampunk the same month I do Steampunk..
Then there will be vast steampunky glee!
If you want to avoid duplicating themes in a month, I’m sure you could compare notes privately. Though I think a lot of people would love two steampunk themes to watch at the same time–steampunk is very popular right now.
Have you already done ‘siblings’ in any variation as a theme?
I … no, I don’t think I have!