Archive | January 29, 2013

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 11

“So,” she purred. “is that what I should do? What should I do?”

(Author’s note. Okay, I’m tired, and these two choices are very similar. So: we can go on to painplay, and after that to either enemas or mechanical/technological, or rough body play and then either enemas or tattoos. And I’m not sure what the different is between pain play and rough body play in this situation.)


He, of course, couldn’t answer. She found that appropriate.

“Well, then. Let’s see what I can do, before we sit down to breakfast.”



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The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 15

First: The Collar (LJ)

Previous: Core and Ends (LJ)

She started with his toes.

She caressed his feet. “I should have bathed you first.”


“Ticklish, are you?” He squirmed violently against the ropes. “yes, you are. Lovely.” She rubbed up to his ankles. “Old scars, too. You’ve had a fun life, haven’t you, Master?”


“You can tell a lot about a man from his feet. From his ankles.” She pushed the rope aside to study the scars.


“They’re lovely ankles.” She caressed his calves. “Lovely feet. If you were mine, I might cane them.” She pinched his ankle gently. “What would you think of that?”


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Meme Time: Questions

Questions from [personal profile] moonwolf

1. Why did you start writing Addergoole?
Hrrm. That’s convoluted.

Steps: A friend introduced me to Tales of Mu.
I had been writing for a while by then.
And I wanted to share my writing with other people.
Web-fiction seemed like a brilliant idea.

Then it was a matter of – well, then, what should I write?
I had the Tír na Cali setting. I wanted something sexy, because Mu was so sexy. But Tír na Cali suffers from some really horribly shallow worldbuilding. So that wouldn’t work.

So… what if I just changed a few details?

And then Addergoole was born.

2. What’s your favourite thing about crowdfunding?
Immediate feedback! I can tell what works, and what doesn’t work!

3. If you could pick any of your verses to live in, which would it be and why?
Ack! I like writing dystopias… not so much living in them!
I think Facets, if I could be on the team. Or another team, but I really like Cole.
Or Stranded. Stranded would be nice.

4. What magical power would you love to have?
Teleportation teleportation teleportation

5. If you suddenly got sucked into an RPG which one would it be and what sort of character would you be?
Addergoole RPG?
I really don’t know that one.
gut says Werewolf: the apocalypse. Child of Gaia Theurge.

• Comment with “Catch the fox”
• I’ll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (<- let's make that optional

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Weight Loss – back where I started

Back in August I was posting my weight.

Back then I weighed about 167 lbs and the kittens weighed about 6 lbs.

Then a vacation and Christmas and stress happened.

When I weighed myself on 12/27 I was up to 172-173 lbs.

Today, after 4-1/2 weeks of weightwatchers, I’m back to 167.8 lbs.

And the kittens weigh 10 and 11 lbs. 🙂

Yesterday I:
* wrote down all points
* Wii’d for 11 minutes

Today I will:
* Gym for at least 1/2 an hour

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10-Second Review: HaikuJaguar’s From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign

For Christmas, Best Friend Ever gave me (Among other awesome gifts to be discussed elsewhere), From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign, by [personal profile] haikujaguar.

I have read this book from cover to cover in the last two days, and I am newly enthused about running a Kickstarter campaign! It’s, as expected from The Three Jaguars, no-nonsense, friendly, straightforward, and useful.

How useful, of course, we’ll have to see when I try my own Kickstarter campaign. But I’m getting very excited.

Thanks, again, Micah, for sharing your spark with the rest of us.

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A musing about terminology: SuperFans

So, when I was started Alder by Post, just about a year ago, I was playing around with the idea of some sort of term for donors who gave me more money/time/etc. than the average, and kept coming back to SuperUser… which I don’t really like, because “user” suggests a different relationship than I really have with my readers.


In looking at my 2012 finances, I think I need another term. Über-user, maybe?

That being said… Thank you. Thank all of you, who read, donated, boosted signals, prompted, commented, and generally helped me do this.

You’re awesome people… and you’re all super fans. <3

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December: OricFic Bingo/Prompt Call

So, I have this:

taking a chance storm tower Freedom magic
anniversary bribery [sports & games] Lost in Translation Home
evening the odds [Forgiving] PICK ANYTHING
Older Witches
Grace Promises broken
[the next best thing] Disability (chronic) [disparate] Now & Then
Then & Now
Under Pressure
lost and found [wishing] [parent(s)] change of pace Knowledge

from [community profile] origfic_bingo

And this is what I’m going to do:

Pick a square, and give me a prompt with that as a theme. I.e., Promises Broken, Junie and her teacher.

First prompt will get written; after that I’m going to go for a Bingo, so prompts that are within a line of the first prompt are more likely to get written.

Squares that have been prompted to will be [bolded and bracketed]; squares that have been written will have a link. Please feel free to prompt any square, even those filled.

First Bingo will be posted free.


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