Archive | February 14, 2013

That Girl Thursday: Akaterina (Kay, Kat)

Spunky. Mouthy. Energetic.

These are things that make for an engaging personality and, generally, a very combative Kept. These are all things that describe Akaterina cy’Maureen. Or, at least, they do when she’s not collared.

The oldest child of a single mother, Kay was friendly but not the center of attention in her old school, and expected the same when she came to Addergoole. What she found instead was Agravain and a collar.

She also found Zita, Dr. Caitrin, and friends, but it’s sometimes hard for her to remember that part.

She’s a densely-built girl on the short side of average (Swimming and vollyball in her old school), with mocha skin and black hair down to her hips. Her Change gives her long, pointed ears, and a point to her chin, too, as well as elongated fingers and toes.

For more description, see her wiki page here –

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It’s the time of the year when we start planning our garden. This time of year, the snow and the slush demand some thinking about the warmth and the nice weather to come.

Also, seed catalogues have the best sales in February.

So, the T. and I were all set to put together an order last night – just needed to look through the box of freecycled seeds I’d picked up Tuesday – and then.

We opened the box.


Squash, at least three types
Four types of melons.
cumin, basil, more basil, parsley.
Peas, beans, GARBANZO beans, peas. Beans.
Posies. Loads and loads of posies.
Spinach. Lettuce. Two types of Kale.
five types of tomatoes
bell peppers
Turnips, carrots, parsnips, rutabega, BEETS

We’re gonna need a bigger garden.

They’re not new seeds; they’ll probably have a much lower germination rate than fresh seeds. But that’s okay. There’s enough overkill in there to allow for a rate as low as 10% on everything but the root veggies.

Guys, this is awesome.

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The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 14

previous: The Mechanism

“And if I sit?”

“Then we will play a game, and I will show you the Mechanism.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then we will play a different game.”

“Then I will sit.” His smile was crooked and very wry. “I trust you.”

next: The Chair

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The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 (26) parts. Part 20

First: The Collar (LJ)

Previous: Messy (LJ)

The Prince did not know the Mechanism was there. Of that, Stavanna was certain. If he’d known… things would be different, in one of a dozen ways.

It took four components of her bracelets to open the door. She was glad she didn’t need any of the tricks in her collar; she didn’t want her Master to know about those tricks yet.

Inside, the door closed behind them, the Mechanism glimmered and shone. A chair… nominally. A crank, several levers…

“What is it?”

“It is the most beautiful creation in all the world. And the most deadly. Will you sit?”

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