Archive | February 2013

16-Minute Saturday

This is written to the image prompt here for “Sixteen Minute Saturday,” something I adapted for alliteration from Ty Barbary’s 15-minute Fiction.

I’d love if more people played along!

“Well, it started out as a 20-sided die.”

The building was smoking. Terry wasn’t sure if that was on purpose or not. Hell, Terry wasn’t sure that the thing could be called a building, but what else were you going to call it?

“Fred, it’s two and a half stories tall.”

“I know! Isn’t it wicked?”

“‘Wicked’ is certainly one word for it, Fred. Fred, what the hell are you going to do with this thing?”

“Well, I was planning on living in it.” The lanky rocker shrugged. “Don’t look at me like that, Terry. I know it needs work.”

“It needs a wrecking ball.”

“Don’t be like that. Look, it needs siding.”

“An entrance.”

“Oh, that part’s easy. Come on, let me show you.”

“Fred, this isn’t my day to die.”

“Oh, come on.” He grabbed Terry’s hand and tugged. “Like I said, it need a little work on the exterior. But wait until you see the way it looks inside!”

“Fre-ed.” But the skinny bastard had an amazingly firm tug. “Have you shown Les yet?”

“Ah. About that.”

“Shit, Fred, not another one.”

“Well, it’s not… It’s not quite…. well, look, you’ve just got to look, okay?”

Terry sighed, the much-put-upon sigh that seemed to come out the most around Fred. Weren’t these guys supposed to mellow once they reached their fourth or fifth decade? Fred just got wilder. “All right, all right. What’s a 20-sided die? One of those nuts things you guys use in your games?”

“Yeah. Like this.” Fred tossed the die at Terry casually. Having been around Fred and his revolving crew of musicians for longer than anyone wanted to count Terry grabbed the thing just as easily. And then stared.

“Fred, when did you have emeralds cut into dice? And, more importantly, why?

“That’s the thing. Well, okay, that was an entirely different thing, but you’ve really got to… here, mind your step.” Fred moved a few shingles off of a platform and jumped up four feet onto what looked like a balcony. “I need to install stairs. But I don’t think that’s going to be the problem. Here, come on.”

“Coming, coming.” The grumble was mostly habit by this point. Terry clambered up onto the platform. “You need a wrecking ball, I keep telling you.”

“No, no, come on.” The door hung at a 15-degree angle, but it swung open like it was oiled. “Watch your step; it goes down a bit just inside the door.”

“Of course it do-o-woah-does.” The “bit” was more like a foot or two. “So, what’s so good about this place on the inside that it doesn’t need to be torn down?”

“Well, for starters, there’s this.” The room. Terry blinked.

“Fred, did you lace my coffee again?”

“You know I promised never to do that. No. No, this is legit.”

“Fred, how did you pull this off?” The entryway foyer was like being inside Fred’s 20-sided emerald die. The walls were done in green brocade. The table was set with green china. The carpet was lush, oriental – and green. The whole thing looked like something out of a home decorating catalog, and like nothing that Fred had ever done in a living space, ever. “Fred, how did you get an interior decorator in here?”

“I … have no idea. Look, Terry, stay close, okay? The walls… they kind of change after a while.”

“I thought you said you built this.” Terry backed toward the exit, and ran into a solid green-covered wall. “I thought you said this was some sort of really big die.”

“Well, um. See, I guess it turned out to be more in the spirit of dice than I intended.”

“The spirit of… Fred, what?

But Fred wasn’t there anymore. His voice echoed from far away. “They’re randomizing devices.”

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Side Story Saturday: Kai and Conrad in College

This is a drabble of Kailani and Conrad, from Addergoole: TOS, during the time of Chapter one of Addergoole: Year 9

August 31, 2003

“Does it seem like…” Kailani paused to grab Alistair and pull his shirt back over his head. “…like we should be listening to Regine’s speech again?”

Conrad, who had his hands full trying to get Audra’s socks on, just laughed. “It’s not like we weren’t here last year, too.”

“Last year, we hardly had time to think, and we were still fresh from school. This year…” She successfully got Alistair dressed. “No, Ali, keep it on. Crissy will be here any minute.”

You could, she had learned, demand things of Regine. An au pair had been her first “request.”

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The Cup, Part II

This is as far as I’m getting tonight. IT’s more of a transition than a story.

After this.)
The Thorn Vessel. The Wooden Death. The Hawthorne Cup.

His son.

The boy wearing his former Keeper’s collar stood like he was the thing blocking the doorway, like it was him and not the Sanctity of the home keeping Pellinore out. “Are you here for me?”

That was an uncomfortable question. Pellinore decided, against his better nature, to go for the honest answer. “I wasn’t. I can be if you want, though.”

“You can’t rescue me.”

“I can’t. Not without an army. Do you want me to go get an army?”

He rolled his shoulders. “It’s not… bad.” The boy shook his head. “So you’re not here for me. You’re here for her?”

“I need to ask her a favor.”

“Hunh. I’ll go get her then. Stay here.”

Pellinore waited. It was strange, as it was every time. This hadn’t been where she Kept him. This place had never been his home. And yet…

“Pellinore. It’s been a long time. If you mean me and mine no harm, come on in.”

He paused in the doorway. “It’s not that I mean you harm, quite. It’s that I need to ask you something…”

“And that something might lead to harm. Accepted and come in. What do you need me to find, Pellinore?”

“That transparent?”

“That’s why people come to visit me.” Her living room had gotten bigger since the last time she visited. Her furniture was still spotless. “So?”

Her Kept was hovering in the doorway. That had always made it uncomfortable. He started talking anyway. He hadn’t come all this way to sit squirming like a kid again.

“So. I heard a rumor.”

“Oh, Pellinore…”

“Not just one. Not just a rumor. But lots of them. Over years. I waited. I wanted to be sure. I got all the information I could before I came to you.”

He pulled his notes out of his coat pocket. Piles and piles of notes. “The Hawthorne Cup.”

“That sounds vicious.”

“More than that. It’s deadly. But it’s supposed to have more that the poison. It’s the Grail, Cya. It’s the fae Grail.”

“And, of course, you have to find it. Remind me to punch your father.”

“Remember to punch my father.” He and JohnWayne said it at the same time.

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January Wordcount

Addergoole 16708 (all Addergoole: Chapters, Bonus stories, setting stories, commissioned)
Rin/Girey 6939 (the re-write)
Giraffe-Related 11737 (Giraffe stories, commissioned continuations, Alder by Post)
Submission 594
Kink Bingo 2500
Total 38478

Janowrimo… didn’t really happen
Rin Goal: 15,000
Rin Actual: 6,939

Addergoole Chapters Goal: 8,250
and the actual: 7,374

Commissioned Goal: 7,500
Commissioned actual: 11,730
(this counts anything people paid me to write, Addergoole or Giraffe).
(This is the one area where I surpassed my goal.)

We’ll see how MarNoWriMo does for me!

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Boost: One-card draw, #Promptcall

Via [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith:

[personal profile] clare_dragonfly is doing a one-card draw. Donations get you extra cards.

[personal profile] kajones_writing has posted the February call for prompts on the theme of “weather.” There are individual and collective perks for donating and other types of participation.

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Home Crafting Project: The Door Curtain (#1)

Our front door is a bit drafty.

More than a bit, really: during the recent windstorm, water was blowing in under the bottom seam.

And that’s after we (T) have fixed the threshold.

In the long run, the whole door needs replacing, as well as the frame. And we need a storm door. But in the short run, I hung a curtain.

Not just any curtain!

I bought two lengths of heavy upholstery fabric on clearance at JoAnn’s, and then a layer of batting (the stuff that goes in the middle of quilts). I sewed a giant tube, inserted the batting, and then sewed a border to hold the batting down.

Then I sewed up the top so that I could slide a curtain rod through it, and hung a swing-arm curtain rod (this) above the door, so we can swing the curtain away to get out the door.

The difference was immediately noticeable.

Next up: the back door!

Is your house drafty? Too warm in summer? Too cold in winter? How do you deal with it?

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Alder by Post January has mailed!

Yesterday I mailed out the Alder by Post to the subscribers, my mom & dad, and my superfan(s).

If you donated to the January Giraffe Call, are not already on that list, and would like a copy of Alder by Post mailed to you for free, please leave me a note/pm/e-mail.

Want to join in the fun?

Read about Alder by Post here, then subscribe:

Alder by Post
1 year, US $20.00 USD
1 year, non-US $25.00 USD

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