For @dahob’s Prompt: Dungeon, Dragon, Demon, Dinosaur.
I could use prompts for D, G, H, and J, pls.
“I told you this was a dungeon crawl.” Drew ran her gloved hand along the left-hand wall. “There’s a demon – “
“That’s not a demon, that’s Damon.”
“Take a good look at him and tell me he doesn’t suit the role. Besides, he’s between us and the treasure.” Drew smirked triumphantly at D.D. “See? Dungeon crawl.” Joking about it almost covered the tremor in her voice.
“Okay. So allowing that there’s a Damon-demon, it’s still just a bunch of passages under a building.”
“With a dragon.”
“That’s got to be a dinosaur.”
“Neither of them make any sense.” That was what was getting to Drew. Nothing had made any sense since they’d snuck into the abandoned mental hospital.
“You’re the one that thinks this is a dungeon crawl.”
“That was supposed to be a joke!”
“But it’s looking more and more real. So, gamer girl. What’s the treasure?”
“An exit.”
“And how do we manage this?”
“Left-hand rule. I think.”
“All right. And weapons?”
“Well, there’s the grappling hook. And the crowbar.” She dug through her pack. “I don’t really want to take either one to Damon…”
“He’s not that cute.”
“He’s still a person. The dragon-dinosaur-thing, on the other hand…”
“I’m not so sure about Damon. Here, give me the hook.”
A howling sound in the distance caught both their attentions. “Forward.” Drew didn’t sound nearly as confident as she wanted to. “And remember, the Maglight is a weapon too, but only if we want to risk getting stuck in the dark.”
Somewhere behind them, a demon chuckled.
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Or a grue.
😀 Indeed.
<nod> Grue.
The Demon isn’t who they think it is?
He might not be.