August Giraffe Call: Identity

It’s time for a Giraffe Call!

August’s theme is Identity!

Leave one or many prompts, and over the next weeks, I will write at least one story to everyone’s prompts.

(If you posted in the pre-Giraffe Bus call last week, you can post again and get two stories, or reference your earlier prompts)

Prompting is free! But Donations are always welcome.

For each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice.

Prompts can be related to one of my extant settings (See my landing page-landing page) or they can be for something completely different.

Donations are earmarked towards our foyer right now: It’s currently stripped-down drywall. I want to make a new bench, a storage area, and a slippers-for-guests arrangement. It’s an 8×4 space; budget is $300.

If I get two new prompters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll) explaining something about one of my universes.

At $20 in donations, I’ll order take-out!

At $40 in donations, everyone who donated will get an additional microfic written to their prompts. I will choose 1 non-donater at random to receive an additional microfic as well.

At $50, anyone who donated $7.50 or more will have a copy of “Alder by Post” mailed to them if they wish.

At $50, I will buy the hardwood boards for the front of the storage area and post my plans for such.

For every $50 donated, I will do a one-hour livewrite on Etherpad or googledocs during the next month.

At $80, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator.

At $100, I’ll buy the accessories for the storage area. And post pictures!

At $120, everyone who donated will get an additional (3rd) microfic written to their prompts. I will choose 2 more non-donaters at random to receive an additional microfic as well.

If we get to $120, I will take suggestions for further incentives!

For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.

Donate below

I also take payment by Dwolla

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “August Giraffe Call: Identity

  1. Family and (or vs) personal identity: Expectant Deborah and her sisters Willard, Rosaria, and Evangaline Beryl and “advice” from too many quarters Beryl and Radar and Radar’s talking daughter Rosaria as Hero Robby and Eva. And Beryl. 🙂 The Newcomers What sort of sense of identity does the kirkevaren have? Does it remember being a living lamb? Is Junie aware of herself as a dweomer or potential dweomer? (It’s hard to tell sometimes how much she’s aware that doesn’t live a very “normal” life. And she knows about poachers … has she considered that she might be a target?)

  2. I give you permission to write about any of my characters from ‘The Scholar’s Mate’ – would love to see what you could do with this topic. Also, Cartographer/Cartography Dancing the little boy that didn’t

  3. I think the issue of how an individual like Ty, DJ, or Jamian address identity (given the gender-bending at will), is interesting.

  4. Hmm, I’ve been a bit silent on these prompt calls lately haven’t I… How about any of: * A member of the planner family’s who doesn’t reject the goals, but doesn’t fit in. * “#*@% you! I’m a dragon!” An otherkin in the Dragons Next Door setting * What do you wear to a party when you can change your body nearly as easily as changing clothes? * Family pride, even as one turns against them. * What happens when the old Prince & the Pauper trope runs its course, and both clearly fit better in their new roles. * ‘Going Native’ * Realizing you’re to only one in your family without some kind of power or magic.

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