Archive | November 5, 2013

Looking for Recipes

* Butternut Squash
* Applesauce
* Whole apples

What’s your favorite one? We have an apple cake we like a lot, which I can’t find at the moment online, sigh, and this butternut soup recipe, which we make all the time.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Nanowrimo – First and Last Lines

First Line of Yesterday: …be instructed upon today. This way.” She flapped her hands at the three of them, and, obediently, then went.

Last line: “And clever of you, to think of the stables.”

3,145 words
Bringing the total to 13,600 words

Average: 3400/day

At this rate, I will still finish on the 15th (except I have a skip day on the 10th) (double-except this might be the 9th, because there’s a write-in on the 10th)

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.