Archive | December 2013

Things I Have Going Right Now: Stop on In

I’m going to write 25 December Addergoole Drabbles Give me an Addergoole situation you’d like to see, any year, any canon characters, and I will write at least 50 words but no more than 500 on it.

For those written already, check out the DecDrabbles tag.

and, if you want to write something yourownself:

I have a Thornes-verses 3-Sentence Ficathon open. Post a prompt (verse/character or pairing/prompt theme) or answer one with your own three-sentence fic.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment there.

Three-Sentence Alder-Fic-Athon

Open here – a mini-fic-a-thon

This is a challenge where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences, set in any Alder-Thorne verse.

You can post and answer as many prompts as you like. Only one prompt per comment please.

Comment on DW, please.

Addergoole Drabble Treo: The Twins Are Asleep

To [personal profile] wyld_dandelyon‘s request to this call for Addergoole prompts.

Early Fall, Year 6 of the Addergoole School

“Shhhh – the twins are finally sleeping!” Mabina slipped out of Kailani and Conrad’s room and closed the door very, very carefully. Vlad whispered a Working at the door as it shut.

“That ought to keep our noises out and let us know if they’re making noise.” He touched the door, lightly, with his fingers, as if apologizing to his children.

“Cool.” ‘Lisha hopped down from her stool and grabbed a tray of appetizers. “Time for the party? I invited a few new people…”

Kailani twisted her lips. “People?”

“Friends?” The girl paused, hands on hips, to look at Kai. “You know, people that we actually like.”

“I didn’t know we could invite friends.”

“I didn’t know you had friends.”

“‘Lisha, there’s no call for that. Kai, if you want to call Shahin-and-Emrys or Jamiain and Arna, you can go right ahead. This is a party, dear, and of course we can have friends.”

Kai glanced at Conrad; he shrugged back at her and touched the chain still around his neck. “It’s your call. You’re still in charge.”

“Only because you wouldn’t let me let you go.”

“Well, you had to know you were stuck with me when you agreed to Keep me.” He hugged her close. “Call Jaya. Arna could use the getting out.”

A noise from the designated nursery room stopped them all in their tracks. Mabina, Kailani, and ‘Lisha shared a glance that even Kai didn’t need help interpreting.

Conrad, however, answered the question they were all not asking. “It’s Min. She’s playing with the trucks.”

They all relaxed. Trucks! A thought bounced through Kai’s mind. “Could I buy her some toy horses? I liked them a lot when I was a girl.”

For a moment, she thought ‘Lisha was going to yell at her. Vlad’s Kept might have mellowed, but she still got snippy for no discernible reason.

Then she smiled, the biggest smile Kai had ever seen on her face. “That would be cool. Thank you.”

Mabina clapped her hands together. “And that’s party time.”

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Would you indulge me?

I’d like to run something like this for my ‘verses –

This is a challenge where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It’s open to all fandoms and you can post and answer as many prompts as you like. Only one prompt per comment please.

When posting a prompt please format it this way:

fandom, character/pairing, prompt word/sentence.

Lastly, please pimp this to your flist, I’d like as many as possible to come and participate!

If I did, would people participate? *bounce* It’d be fuuuun?

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Addergoole in two lines

Me: “And, really, things are going to suck here for a while, but they’re almost never fatal.” (quoting from WIP Mystery of the Missing Orders).

Sky: Addergoole, summed in one sentence.

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Addergoole Drabble Duo: Summer Snuggles

To [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s request to this call for Addergoole prompts.

Summer After Year 9 of the Addergoole School

“Free at last.”

Jaya’s mother had the kids – all of them, which wasn’t a kind thing to do to any being, but she’d volunteered – and Arna was well and truly done with school, and Jaya was on summer break and had five days off from work. They were, in all practical senses free. They’d gone to the lake.

“Free at last,” Arna agreed. She had her lips against Jaya’s neck, her arm and one leg draped over Jaya, and her breasts pressed against Jaya’s side. She felt warm, and a bit sticky, and perfect. “And out of that place. I know.” She held up one hand lazily. “I had it good. I had you, I had Jovanna, I had an easy time of it. But it’s still nice to be out.”

“I know.” Jaya twisted until she could kiss her lover’s forehead. “I had Ty, I had you. I had an easy time of it. But it’s nice to have you out of it, too. It’s nice to be here.”

The cottage on the lake was a family property – Jaya’s stepdad’s family, but still family. Their bed was on the screened in porch, watching the lake; the chances of someone coming across them was almost zero. Still, it felt horribly daring as Jaya stretched, showing herself off to the water and the moose.

“It wouldn’t be this peaceful with the kids here.”

“Or with homework, and work, and everything else. But it’s a nice place to hide for a little while.” Arna tugged Jaya back to the bed. “Hide. And snuggle.”

“Mmm.” She pressed her lips against Arna’s collarbone in agreement.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Addergoole Drabble Uno: Merry Christmas, Lee

To @Dahob’s request to this call for Addergoole prompts.

Christmas, Year 11 of the Addergoole School

Lee wasn’t any good at this Keeping stuff, but he was trying hard.

He’d gotten Altaira by accident, really by accident, trying to keep her out of the hands of Silas, who wasn’t as bad as he could be but was a lot worst than he ought to be. Once he’d had her… he’d found he kind of liked having someone around. So he was trying to do this Keeping thing right, and, he hoped, only screwing it up most of the time.

But today was Christmas, and he really liked Christmas. He really liked presents. So he’d filled the space under the tree – a real tree! Tall enough that it hit the ceiling – with presents. Not all of them were for Altaira – about half were for his other friends, and five were for the baby that wouldn’t be born for another six months – but there were a lot for her.

He was out of bed before, in theory, the sun somewhere out there was above the horizon, re-arranging the presents, cooking – actually cooking; if there was one thing he’d learned in Addergoole, it was how to cook – a hearty breakfast casserole, something he remembered from childhood. Maybe he could get Altaira to eat.

He was already dishing it onto plates and making himself a pot of coffee when she woke. “Lee? What are you doing?”

He grinned at her and hurried over with a glass of orange juice. “Merry Christmas!”

He watched her take it all in – the tree, the presents, the breakfast, the juice. And then, miracles-do-happen, he watched her smile. “Merry Christmas, Lee.”

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

What’s Next?

As the post-nano emotional hangover fades, I’m looking at December and trying to figure out how to harness all this energy.

Without, of course, burning myself out.

So, what I have is:

  • Edally Academy begins posting on about January 15. By then I need:
    • at least the first 8 installations edited, cleaned up, and second-drafted
    • a web page created
    • at least one ad ready
    • at least three teasers done

  • January’s not-quite-a-nano project is Rin & Girey. By then I need:
    • to finish and smooth out the outline and figure out what, if anything, I need to change in the current iteration to make it go better in the outline.
    • to decide where it ends.

  • I have two submissions to get done in early December:
    • Superhero Romance for Good Mourning
    • 713/Kazka Oress

  • I need to wrap up and send Alder by Posts in one giant mailing of apologetic doom.
  • If I finish the submissions by the 10th, I am going to spend 15 days re-writing Addergoole Book One from the 10th-Christmas. To do that I need:
    • to finish the outline

This would leave me time for a Giraffe Call (it really would). The question is: is there interest? The last one brought in very few prompts and no $ at all. And while I love doing them, if you guys don’t like them too, there’s not so much point.

So, that’s my December and January. What about yours?

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

December Addergoole Drabbles

December Drabbles!
My gift to you: Give me an Addergoole situation you’d like to see, any year, any canon characters, and I will write at least 50 words but no more than 500 on it.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.