For All Time, a parable of the Aunt Family for the Random Bingo Card

To [personal profile] meridian_rose‘s prompt to my other bingo call.

Content warning: paradox?

They told the tale, sometimes, when they were all in their cups.

How an ancestor had come across a genie’s bottle, wished for power, and gotten the Sight, the Skill, and the Spark – power more than she could use.

How she’d wished this power on her family line for eternity, so that all her daughter’s daughters could see, touch and, most importantly, share what she couldn’t handle.

How, overwhelmed one night by the noise and clamor of four generations of witches, the distraction of so much family, she’d wished she’d never married nor borne children.

“And here we are.”

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0 thoughts on “For All Time, a parable of the Aunt Family for the Random Bingo Card

  1. <giggles> I … have no idea if I think genies are in genre. That might be the (a?) true story of where the Aunt family got started, or a close enough. I think it covers all the bases, except not accounting for male sparks, but the wording may’ve drifted over time?

  2. “They told the tale, sometimes, when they were in their cups.” It’s a tale. That they tell it may be canon, but that doesn’t mean it’s canonically true. It’s a parable. That’s a story that isn’t literally true, but metaphorically said something the teller wants to convey. It’s a story, and a good one.

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