Shamelessly copied from jjhunter:
Friday, every Friday, I invite you (yes, you!) to share with me key Dreamwidth (or LJ, or Tumblr, or anything else) posts from the last week. They can be one or more of your own posts, posts of others you’d recommend, interesting discussions, linkspams, tiny delights, whatever stands out to you from the last seven days that you’d like to highlight. Assume that I’ve been away and pining too true and catch me up on what matters to you.
In return, I will make a point of commenting on at least one post of those you share, and I encourage others to do the same.
Newcomers, lurkers and long-time commentators equally welcome
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.
I found this neat. You may not need to comment on it, but I like the construction toy idea, and they designed it by accident when their cheap clothespin was used by kids to build things.! New Crowdfunding Project: “Strawbees” Ysabet linked to it, the Kickstarter is neat!