Giraffe Call: Evildoers and Bad Guys

It’s time for a Giraffe Call!

February’s theme is Villains! Bring me all your stories about bad guys & gals, antiheroes, creeps, jerks.

Caveat for this call only: I will write no more than two prompts per character, or I might end up writing an entire call about Rozen and Baram.

Leave one or many prompts, and over the next weeks, I will write at least one story to everyone’s prompts.

(If you posted in the pre-Giraffe Bus call last week, you can post again and get two stories, or reference your earlier prompts)

Prompting is free! But Donations are always welcome.

For each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice. I will also write 100 words to another one of your prompts.

Prompts can be related to one of my extant settings (See my landing page-landing page) or they can be for something completely different.

This is a “giraffe call” because the first few calls helped pay for the Giraffe Carpet in the bedroom of our new-very-old (1879) house. It being mid-winter, we are beginning to gear up for a spring of renovations.

First up: More raised beds!

At $25 in donations, I’ll order take-out! Reached!

At $35 in donations, everyone who donated will get an additional microfic written to their prompts. I will choose 1 non-donater at random to receive an additional microfic as well. Reached!

For every $50 donated, I will do a one-hour livewrite on Etherpad or googledocs during the next month. Reached!

At $80, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator.

$100 will pay for the wood for the next set of raised beds! (that’s about 1/4 of the total)

At $120, everyone who donated will get an additional (3rd) microfic written to their prompts. I will choose 2 more non-donaters at random to receive an additional microfic as well.

At $140, I will do an additional call about the 2 baddies of your choice.

If we get to $140, I will take suggestions for further incentives!

For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.

Donate below

I also take payment by Dwolla

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “Giraffe Call: Evildoers and Bad Guys

  1. Ooh, this sounds fun~ I’d love to join in. 🙂 I immediately thought of my OC, Ashe, when I read the theme. He’s a demon/canine hybrid and is generally a bit of a prick. He likes to fight, kill, etc. I don’t really have any back story for him, so I’m just leaving Ashe, himself, as your prompt. Anything goes! 🙂

  2. A villain discovers that he is, in fact, a robot built by the supposed hero to be defeated so the hero looks good. But his background memories are just a little too complete for him to have always been a robot…. (any world this would fit in.) “Surprise! It turns out your powers come from Satan, and he requires you to use them for evil.” (any world that would fit in.) An “evil” foreigner encountered being a hero in his/her own country. A petty jerk discovers that their kicking of a puppy has gone just a little too far this time. (likewise for these too.) eta: More choices.

  3. Regine. Someone from the Stranded universe. An accidental villain who was “supposed” to be the hero. A Reiassan villain in any time period. (Sorry, but I don’t think of Baram as a villain. 🙂 )

  4. An accident makes someone look like a villain – and they embrace their new self.A nefarious plot!”We’ll just blame it on ()!”

  5. Teams A, B, C, and/or D. And gremlins. 🙂 The hostage-taker. Cathal. So who *are* the real bad guys on the pirate ship that kidnapped Genique? Robbie’s father. Tattercoat. The Governors of the unicorn/factory ‘verse. Jason. (Not that the rest of the folks we’ve met in that ‘verse aren’t trouble, too.) Bishop Macnamilla. (I think there was a sequel in progress that you never posted …?)

  6. Kelkyag beat me to it, but I’d like to second the prompt about Bishop Macnamilla. (Cue the sudden but inevitable prompt…)

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