Archive | February 17, 2014

Excerpt: Taking the Journey

…[Griselda] wasn’t going to look that gift horse in the mouth.

Nor the motorcycle, carefully rebuilt by her father from scraps and parts of several others. It might not quite be a gift horse, but she wouldn’t have to feed it (ever. Her father had a way with the magic that created things like fuel and ran things like machines).

“Be careful.” Griselda’s mother kissed her on the cheek. “And mindful of what you’re going to kill.”

“Be firm.” Her father kissed her other cheek. “And when you attack, be certain of every strike.”

There were other things…

I asked you to pick a random number to pick what I’d write on today. [personal profile] rix_scaedu picked 7; 7 is the submission for this month’s “713” contest.

This is a small fragment of today’s 10 minutes of writing on it.

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February is World Building Month. Day 16: Space Accountant

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here, please feel free to add more questions!

The sixteenth question comes from [personal profile] kelkyag and is for Space Accountant ‘verse.

What do the external economics and logistics of the pirate ship Genique is stuck on look like? Do they actually make most of their money on ransoms? How do they make contact to make those exchange without getting caught? Are they being grossly overcharged by their suppliers, and/or have wonky and unexpected expenses? Are they a one-of operation, or part of a larger organization??

This plays in well with the earlier question on What do the pirates pirate? here.

The ransom rates have been carefully calculated to maximize income: they are set at a rate that most families (of cruise-ship travelers) will be both willing and able to pay, but high enough that they bring in about fifty percent of the ship’s income.

If they plan and train properly, they can actually make more money off of a kidnapee either in free labor “working off their ransom” or in straight slave sales on one of the luxury slave markets; the slave sales make up about 25% of their income.

As for their suppliers: there are a couple suppliers who overcharge, thinking that they can get away with it because, really, who’s a pirate ship going to complain to? Of course, that comes with its own inherent problems like, when you piss off pirates, what do they do to you? Mmm?

The vast majority of the ship’s financial problems, however, come not from their suppliers, but from graft, as Genique is beginning to find out. At almost every level of accounting on the ship, someone is skimming from the till. After all, they are pirates.

I believe the ship is a one-off organization, although they sometimes work with other pirates in a very loose confederation, and they do have “sister organizations” – a couple land-bound fences and a couple of ship-based traders who push the pirate ship’s merchandise.

As for making contacts on the ransoms, the pirate ship works through a Bonded Drop Person/Ship. There are many of these throughout the galaxy; they serve as “international waters” sorts of people and are used by the law-abiding and the law-ignoring alike when they need to make deals. The Bonded Persons are universally discreet, free from subpoena or prosecution for their Bonded actions on almost all planets (and do not do business on or with those where they are not), and known for their reliability.

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February is World Building Month. Day Fifteen: Worldbuilding Meta

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here, please feel free to add more questions!

The fifteenth question comes from [personal profile] kelkyag and is a meta-question

How do you-the-author develop the rules of magic in the various ‘verses that have magic? (Or Mad Science, in the worlds that have that.)


To be honest, T. came up with the magic system for Addergoole/Faerie Apocalypse. I wanted something powerful, teachable, and with limits; he offered a modification of an already-extant roleplaying system and we kept modifying until it was our own thing.

For Tír na Cali, I started with a single character – Lady Tekenna, who has the power to command minds – and extrapolated from there, mostly via roleplaying, until I had a general idea of the powers the world could have.

Dragons Next Door, for instance, and Fairy Town are completely story-based: when I need something to happen, there’s a magical way for it to happen if a mundane way won’t work. Ditto science in Science! and superheroes verse, as well as in the space-colony stuff.

For Reiassan, T. and I sat down with a large piece of paper and plotted out a lot of what we wanted, because they have an actual, limited magic system. Then again, very little of that came up, and it was already working around things Rin had done way back in the first story.

Short answer: I’m not very good at coming up with magic systems; I generally “pants” it based on something I want to happen in the world. When I need a system – for a world that’s going to be more complex, for instance – I tap the Spousal Unit, and we start using role-playing mechanics to figure things out.

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February is World Building Month. Day 14: Space Accountant

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here, please feel free to add more questions!

The fourteenth question comes from [personal profile] moonwolf and is for Space Accountant ‘verse.

What do the pirates actually pirate?

The pirates’ primary and first trade is people, at least this particular ship (or possibly a small fleet, but I think it’s one independent ship). Space cruises are notoriously easy to board, because they are built for beauty and smooth sailing, not for security. Once on ship, more than fifty percent of the time, the pirates manage to take a few people without ever being noticed, slip back to their ship, get out of dodge, and then demand ransom.

About seventy-five percent of the time ransom is paid; the rest of the time, they train and sell their captives on the extensive black market, or employ them as cheap labor (as discussed in one of Genique’s first stories).

As a side effect of hitting primarily luxury cruises, the pirates do a brisk trade in fine gems and fakes thereof, often pried from jewelry pieces, drugs, both legal and not, and fancy clothing, often cut down or otherwise altered from those things confiscated from prisoners.

When, as it occasionally does, the atmosphere in space gets a little to hot to handle around the cruise ships (after, say, they accidentally kidnap someone who is a little too famous, or accidentally steal a president’s narcotics), the pirates “winter” on trade routes, picking off luxury shipments or, sometimes, even other pirates, liberating slaves from other traders only to turn around and resell them to different markets.

In short, Genique’s new employers make a lot of money skimming off of people who have lots and lots of money.

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February is World Building Month. Day Eleven: Addergoole

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here, please feel free to add more questions!

The eleventh question comes from [personal profile] anke and is for Addergoole.

How did the parents of the first generation of Addergoole students justify signing up their daughters for forced pregnancies?

So, I posted this to Twitter in musing about it, and Sky and Cluudle had some possible justifications, which I will post below.

The short version is: It really depends on the parent.

Some of them simply didn’t care, especially some of the men. They were being well-paid to deposit a sperm and walk away after the naming ritual; some of the women were offered better compensation to do something similar after nine months.

Some of them didn’t have a choice; they were collared and had been provided to the project by their Keeper – one example in particular is Ambrus.

Aelfgar, for his case, likes grandkids, and because as far as he’s concerned all his kids are gay (he’s wrong), this seemed like a way of ensuring some grandchildren.

Some of them weren’t thinking about daughters at all, they were thinking about sons.

In a more overarching sense: this was not sold as forced pregnancy. This was sold as any number of things, depending on the target: a program for the education and betterment of half-breeds, in a world which despised them; an experiment in a more targeted form of Mentoring; the foundation blocks for the salvation of the world when the Returned Gods came back. It was easy to sell it as these things, because it was all of them.

And, as is said by one set of parents in a story I need to finish, it’s easier to think in the abstract than when you’re looking at your eleven-year-old daughter. When the child is a concept, that’s one thing. When she’s sixteen and the Director’s letter arrives, that’s something else entirely.

And then there are all the reasons Sky and Cluudle came up with, which I’m willing to agree were probably valid for at least one person each:

“I got pregnant during my Keeping.”

“Didn’t really think about it.”

“I was starving.” [Lyn: This one was rather common. Regine offered a lot of money to the mothers]

“Being pregnant is a beautiful thing.”

“The work is important.”

“I trust these people.”

“Better she have children with our kind now than fall for a human later.”

“It’s not like she needs to raise them. It’s a small price to pay for what they’re offering (money/knowledge/etc.).”

“It’s a small price to pay for years of protection. Have you heard what the Nedetakaei are doing?”

“Our race is dying.” “The apocalypse is coming, I have to do something.” “I was drunk.” “I was mind controlled.” [the latter was very rare, but it did happen, more commonly to fathers than mothers].

“People had kids at this age in my day.” [This is actually part of Regine’s argument, too.

“She’s going to have kids eventually. Better with people that can handle her powers and the children’s.”

“I was on my third kid at that age /and/ I was married.”

“It’s for science.”

“A purebreed is talking to me aaaaaaaaaaaaah I’m so flustered.”

“Maybe this way she can find a Keeper or Kept around her own age. I hate how the older fae prey on the young.”

“It’s not rape if it’s your Keeper.”

And for after-the-fact justifications:

“I can barely handle this kid now. What am I going to do when she Changes? The school can manage better.”

“There’s no other way a half breed like her will find a husband.”

“It’s a half breed, why would I care what happens to it?”

“This is the best a half breed could hope for, a good education and a chance to breed pure.”

“This is the only person who has offered to get her a Mentor.”

“Anything is better than her not Changing at all and dying of old age.”

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