I am so close to the end of this I can smell the panic.
Currently working on the Bonus Stories, which in this case are origins of the school’s three founders.
Last line:
He didn’t even know if he could drown.
I have written 4,105 words on Addergoole (and 1,609 words of “other that counts”) so far this month; goals for the end of yesterday were 3,750 and 850 respectively.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/687186.html. You can comment here or there.
What are you going to do with it when it’s re-written? Repost as a serial, ebook, keep it to yourself and go ‘muahaha’ at all the poor saps who don’t know the new canon?
Kickstart it as a proper e-book and hopefully also a paper book.
Paper books are pretty easy, though it depends on how nice you want the typesetting to be and what you want in terms of arts.
Paper books are new territory, so they’re a little scary. I have an image in my head for the art that keeps the general idea of “symbolic/graphic cover” that seems to work well for e-books and looks pretty on print books to. OTOH, I sort of want my original ideas for covers (Far more complicated) as posters.
It helps to think of the paper book as art project time: you’re making a pretty paper thing that happens to have your story inside, like an origami crane with a poem.
That may be why it’s so intimidating!
Your basic print on demand company will take a lot of the choices involved away from you – paper weight, cover stock. You’re left with fonts, cover, interior design, interior arts, and even then there will probably be restrictions if you’re going for something that automates a lot of it, like Smashwords or whatever it’s called. Restrictions are good, in a way – they mean less choices to fiddle with.