So, I was looking for photoref for Jamian, pictured in the DW icon, and I found this:
Boys, not girls, are pregnant in Chicago’s shocking campaign to reduce teen pregnancy
Now, mind you, this is from May-June 2013, so I’m a little late to the party. But it still amused me.
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.
Why did I read the comments? Ow. Now my brain hurts. I’m also reminded I’ve got two mpreg story seeds (seeds? An egg and a plot bunny? 🙂 I wonder if anyone’s come up with fine grained terms?) waiting for attention.
I don’t know why anyone reads the comments. Easter mpreg!
And in the icon Pithani is giving me a, “Really, no I don’t know why you’d be foolish enough to do that. Are you sure you’re really my creator?”
*giggles* ‘xactly.