So, treadmill. need better shoes. Possibly just better socks, but good shoes couldn’t hurt.
Tax refund! I can spend ~10% of my Federal refund on sneakers, I think, and put the rest towards misc. house expenses.
On the other hand, I can speed walk for a short short time at 5 MPH.
Coffee (standard)
Half a doughnut (sour cream, very tasty)
Salad (with a bit of dressing, look Kelkyag look)
Two slices of deli-platter sandwich
Gym, treadmill, intense (ow)
Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs w/ veggies (look again Kelkyag look)
Coooookies (Chocolate Chip)
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I like to vary my treadmill between 2 MPH (increased heartrate, but easy) and 4 MPH (speed walking) with 5 MPH as a slow jog. I am religious about getting good running shoes. I recommend, they do a handy dandy shoe selection wizard.
I don’t so much want running shoes as comfortable walking shoes; I really am not into this whole “running” thing. I was varying; Rion has an interval routine she does, and it’s easy enough to notice when she speeds up and slows down and follow along.
Yay, vegetables! 🙂 And cookies. 🙂
Cookies were needed! And yeah, Spaghetti Squash and meatballs is one of those where I go “wait, don’t I need a vegetable… oh.”
Squash is one of those funny ones for me. I like to color code it. I don’t need more than one Red-Orange Thing (carrots, tomatoes, squash) or more than one Green Thing, but having an Orange Thing doesn’t mean I have a Green Thing.
Heh, I can understand that. Starchier (well, carrots, squash. Not so sure about tomatoes.)
Less about starch, more about nutrients.
ah? Or rather, oh?
Orange things have orange nutrients, green things have green nutrients. Um. That’s not very helpful, I know.
Ah-ha, no, I dig now.