Archive | April 2014

Looking for: Fun prompts, Addergoole-related (#promptcall)

As the topic says 😉 I make no promises on what I will write, except that I’ll probably write at least 50 words to at least one prompt.

If the prompt happens in a timeline that will end up in the Addergoole books (i.e., right now year 5, then maybe 50yearslater), the story may end up in one of those books.

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Day 1 Restart – My Fitness Pal

So, I’ve decided to make myself plug everything into My Fitness Pal and see how far I can get with weight loss that way.

It set me up with the following goals, which I’m going to playtest for a week or two before deciding if I want to keep:
Nutritional Goals
Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,410 cal/day
Carbs / Day 176.0 g
Fat / Day 47.0 g
Protein / Day 71.0 g

Fitness Goals
Calories Burned / Week 390 cal/week
Workouts / Week 2 Workouts
Minutes / Workout 30 mins

Yesterday I netted 7 calories over, which, for not really planning ahead, I’d say is a win.

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So, I’ve been thinking, as I rewrite Addergoole –

– no need to stop with Year 5, is there?

I mean, this is a little cart before the horse, since I plan on writing 2-3 Books of Addergoole Year 5 a year, and the rewrite will probably be about 10 Books (originally 13; I’m paring down).

But when I finish those 10, assuming I do, there’s so many directions I could go –

* Write a story in Year 6
* Re-write something in Year 9, focusing on 1 to 3 viewpoint characters through the whole thing
* write the post-apoc “fifty years later” of Shahin, Jamian, and Kailani.

Other options? Out of curiosity, do any of those appeal to the Addergoole fans out there?

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Camp Nano – Last Day!

First Line of Yesterday:

 “Let me go!”  She flailed and kicked, but she might as well have been fighting a statue.  The arms weren’t moving. 

Last Line of Yesterday:

“The lot of us are going to have a little conversation.  Come now, Kailani, Conrad.  What was that all about?”

I wrote 1,362 words yesterday, bringing my total to 38,920.  Just need to write 1,080 words today and I’m donnnne! 

(With Camp Nano; def. not done with the project)


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Camp Nano – Almost There

First Line of Yesterday:

 <span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%;
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;
mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA”>“Emrys?”  She called out softly to him, hearing as she did so an uncertainty in her voice that she hadn’t put there on purpose.  

Last Line of Yesterday:

"I am not…" Arms like iron cords wrapped around her, one around her throat, the other around her waist, pulling her off the ground and bending her backwards.

2,549 words yesterday, bringing the total to 37,558.  Just 2,462 to go!! 

And I’m already figuring out my story for Camp Nano June…

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Camp Nano – Finally back on traack

Yay, I’ve been lax about these posts.

So, First Line since the last time I posted was:
 <span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%;
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;
mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA”>“Good.”  The doctor dispensed a handful of pills into a bottle.  

Last line of last night:

Real life doesn’t work that way. But she was no longer sure that this was real life.

I wrote 3084 words yesterday, 0 words Saturday, 3,644 words Friday, and 627 words Thursday. 

I am now at a total of 35,009 words –  just under 5K to go, which is an average of 1,664 words for today, tomorrow, and Wednesday.  I can totally do this!

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Seems to be the season for it – writing and brain chemistry issues

  So, completely ignoring for the moment the argument that you should "write every day, write no matter what," because I find that advice  to be good only if your goal is simply to put words on paper…

What happens when your brain chemistry won’t let you write?

(The writer in my attic just posted a blog about this too; it’s going around.)

I have, over the past years – I think since 2008 is a good marker – gotten relatively good at having an "off" day and moving on the next day.  It’s part of why I don’t believe/follow the "write every day" advice, because sometimes it’s just not a writing day. 

Sometimes you want to go out and play outside, for instance.  

And some days the brainweasels are just too much and you stare at the screen, totally unmotivated, and, if you’re me, end up curling up and watching TV mindlessly until you sleep. 

Normally, if I have a bad month, I have a bad month, and I pick up again the next month.  Writing is still a part-time thing for me, after all; it’s not the thing paying the bills yet. So I can afford to slack off. 

This month….  This month I’m doing Camp Nano, and so I have an external accountability I don’t normally have (At least not since I stopped writing Addergoole episodes the day before I posted them).  And I don’t have the oomph.  Or, rather, there have been a lot of days of not having the oomph.

I’m not sure, yet, what to do about it.  Write when I can, I suppose, and write as well and as much as I can when it’s there. 

Do you have tricks for getting yourself around the bad-brain-chemistry times?  

 Or tricks for getting yourself back on the horse, as it were?


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Camp Nano April 2014 – Back on the Horse

 So, I decided to give in to my urge and start on Addergoole: Book Two, because Episodes just wasn’t working. 

First line of yesterday: 

Previously in Addergoole:

The lift sank slowly into the barn floor, carrying the SUV with it.

Last line of Yesterday:

“I, ah, I’m glad you approve.”  Were adults supposed to act like this?

1866 words written, not up to need-to-catch-up goal but so much better than I’d been doing.
Bring me up to 27,654, for a daily average of 1202 (I could weight that for skip days if I wanted)

To get to 40K by the end of the month, I need to write an average of 1764 words a day, or 2469 words/weekday.

Here goes~

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#campnanowrimo – burnout and options

I’m just not feeling Episodes, the  camp nano project I’ve been working on – I mean, I was having fun with it, I think I’ll have fun with it again, but right now? No.  Not at all.

Options include:

* Keep trucking on it. (ick)
* Write "and other projects" and count all wordcount in April toward my 40K goal (Seems like cheating)
* call it a split month, as I’ve done before, and do 15K words on Addergoole: Book two complete rewrite (this is the one I’m leaning towards). 


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