I started chive seeds last night!
Chives are one of my favorite plants, because they start coming up and are green and edible when the rest of the world is full of snow. Plus, they’re super low-maintenance.
I already have chives growing in my Invasive Plants garden (two sorts), but I want to fill in some of the bleaker and weedier parts of the hedgerow with chives, which will take, ah, quite a bit of chives.
I started one “flat” (in this case, two stacked take-out containers with holes poked in the top one for drainage), one of chives-chives (Allium schoenoprasum – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chives) and one of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garlic_chives) I’m not sure about the second chives – they are listed either as the same thing as gau choy/Chinese chives or a completely different thing, so we shall see).
Each flat has 6 rows of 4 seeds each, which will get me a good start, but I want to do two flats each eventually and find other varieties of chive, as well as something that I bought from a nursery last year – society garlic (which is grown for its leaves, culinarily, and for its pretty flowers). Our hedgerow is going to smell beautiful. Well, depending on your tastes, but we’re downwind from a dairy farm, sooo…
This might be a good article for me to bookmark – http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/bulbs/alliums-for-your-garden/
And more info on chives – http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/Chives
Know any good varieties I can grow from seed?
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