Archive | April 11, 2014

Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of yesterday & Wordcount

First Line Of Yesterday:
[Sônia] laughed. “You’re not as old as you are, either. I’ll see you in the morning, sir.”

Last Line of Yesterday:
“Women are naturally built to maneuver while carrying large loads.”

“That’s a load, all right.” [Ted] dumped the bags on the bed. “Come on, ladies, get your stuff before I end up wearing it all.”

I wrote 2046 words yesterday, bringing my total to 14,795 (goal: 14545). Whee!

(I’m finally at the point where, counting today as 0 words, the camp Nano approximater still says:
At This Rate You Will Finish On
April 30, 2014)

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