Archive | April 14, 2014

Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of Friday & Wordcount

I wrote absolutely nothing this weekend.

That’s okay, that’s built into the plan. I went shopping with my mother (all the blue shirts!), went to LARP in another city, went shopping with my husband (I sat on almost every couch for sale in Ithaca), and then went out to dinner with said husband.

So, Friday’s first words:
“We started digging for the foundation right here.”

And Friday’s last words:
When a werewolf was stuck mid-way, or a shapeshifted cat, it looked dangerous and threatening. Sadly for their guest, a shapeshifting bird – budgie – just looked ridiculous.

Anyone know the style guide for shapeshifting/ed/er?

up to 17255 words total, 2460 Friday (par: 16363). Whee!

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