Archive | April 30, 2014

Looking for: Fun prompts, Addergoole-related (#promptcall)

As the topic says 😉 I make no promises on what I will write, except that I’ll probably write at least 50 words to at least one prompt.

If the prompt happens in a timeline that will end up in the Addergoole books (i.e., right now year 5, then maybe 50yearslater), the story may end up in one of those books.

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Day 1 Restart – My Fitness Pal

So, I’ve decided to make myself plug everything into My Fitness Pal and see how far I can get with weight loss that way.

It set me up with the following goals, which I’m going to playtest for a week or two before deciding if I want to keep:
Nutritional Goals
Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,410 cal/day
Carbs / Day 176.0 g
Fat / Day 47.0 g
Protein / Day 71.0 g

Fitness Goals
Calories Burned / Week 390 cal/week
Workouts / Week 2 Workouts
Minutes / Workout 30 mins

Yesterday I netted 7 calories over, which, for not really planning ahead, I’d say is a win.

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So, I’ve been thinking, as I rewrite Addergoole –

– no need to stop with Year 5, is there?

I mean, this is a little cart before the horse, since I plan on writing 2-3 Books of Addergoole Year 5 a year, and the rewrite will probably be about 10 Books (originally 13; I’m paring down).

But when I finish those 10, assuming I do, there’s so many directions I could go –

* Write a story in Year 6
* Re-write something in Year 9, focusing on 1 to 3 viewpoint characters through the whole thing
* write the post-apoc “fifty years later” of Shahin, Jamian, and Kailani.

Other options? Out of curiosity, do any of those appeal to the Addergoole fans out there?

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Camp Nano – Last Day!

First Line of Yesterday:

 “Let me go!”  She flailed and kicked, but she might as well have been fighting a statue.  The arms weren’t moving. 

Last Line of Yesterday:

“The lot of us are going to have a little conversation.  Come now, Kailani, Conrad.  What was that all about?”

I wrote 1,362 words yesterday, bringing my total to 38,920.  Just need to write 1,080 words today and I’m donnnne! 

(With Camp Nano; def. not done with the project)


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