Archive | April 2014

Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of yesterday & Wordcount

First Line of Yesterday:
“Are you always this pushy?” He slipped into the back of the van while Holly jammed the lid shut on the garbage can.

Last Line of Yesterday:
“Yes please, Sônia.” {Mentor} checked the clock. “I should get at least an hour or two of sleep. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

I wrote 2301 words yesterday, bringing the total to 12,749 (par: 12727, back over par!)

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On Chives

I started chive seeds last night!

Chives are one of my favorite plants, because they start coming up and are green and edible when the rest of the world is full of snow. Plus, they’re super low-maintenance.

I already have chives growing in my Invasive Plants garden (two sorts), but I want to fill in some of the bleaker and weedier parts of the hedgerow with chives, which will take, ah, quite a bit of chives.

I started one “flat” (in this case, two stacked take-out containers with holes poked in the top one for drainage), one of chives-chives (Allium schoenoprasum – and one of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum – I’m not sure about the second chives – they are listed either as the same thing as gau choy/Chinese chives or a completely different thing, so we shall see).

Each flat has 6 rows of 4 seeds each, which will get me a good start, but I want to do two flats each eventually and find other varieties of chive, as well as something that I bought from a nursery last year – society garlic (which is grown for its leaves, culinarily, and for its pretty flowers). Our hedgerow is going to smell beautiful. Well, depending on your tastes, but we’re downwind from a dairy farm, sooo…

This might be a good article for me to bookmark –

And more info on chives –

Know any good varieties I can grow from seed?

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Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of Monday-Tuesday & Wordcount

First Line of Monday:
Sonia hung up the phone. “Good. We’ve got the world’s most grudging invitation, but nobody said they have to like us. They just have to let us in. Ted?”

Last line of Last Night:
“They’re hitting the hill. Get invisible, you’re not supposed to be here.”

I wrote 1700 words Monday and 1331 words yesterday, bringing my total to 10,448 (par: 10908).

Yesterday was a don’t-wanna-write yesterday, but @daHob got me through with bribes and goals and cheering (thanks!) I’m a few words behind, but nothing I can’t fix on the weekend! (well, Sunday. Saturday is full-booked).

Now… now I need to outline an episode, because they’re supposed to be 10K words each, and at 10,500 I’m 2/3 of the way done with episode one…

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Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of Friday/Weekend & Wordcount

First Line of Friday:
Holly looked at Ted. Ted was nodding. She looked at Sonia. Sonia was ashen, hands tight on the table.

Last line of Sunday:
“Ah, sir, I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll see you there, then? In, say, fifteen minutes?”

I wrote 1,850 words on Friday and 909 words on Sunday, bringing me to 7,417 words (goal for the day was 7272) and caught up from the 2nd’s “um, no words at all” moment.

Having FUN with this!

The Head of the Team, the Finder/Entry specialist, and the Team itself still need names –

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Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of yesterday & Wordcount

First Line of Yesterday:
“I think I’m too young to know about your underwear.”

Last Line of Yesterday:
She coughed, folding her hands tightly together on the table. Even an idiot – even Ted – could tell something was wrong. “No, Sir. Apologies.”

I wrote: 931 words of Episodes yesterday, bringing my total to 2958.
My target for yesterday was 3636; I am aiming for 40,000 over the 22 weekdays of the month; I modified my weekend of no-words to include 900 words to balance ;-).

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Colored Icons and Commissions – two signal Boosts~

[personal profile] itsamellama is holding a Promo: Color Your Icons for $5!.

I might have Mellama color my Llew icon she did –
or the Valran (Inner Circle) icon she just did for me!


djinni, he of all the icons, posted Commission Information

I’m not going to post all Djinni’s icons or I’ll be here ’till May, but here’s a couple he’s done for me.

(Autumn, Alexa, Ayla, gremlin, pterodactyl, Science!, Syadaia, Theocracy, & Rin)

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Camp Nano April 2014 – First and Last Words of yesterday & Wordcount

First Line of Yesterday:
“No way.” Holly stared at the screen.

Last Line of Yesterday:
“Tighty whities, I’m so disappointed.”

“Oh, don’t act like you’re surprised. Besides, they fit better.”

I wrote: 2027 words of Episodes yesterday, bringing my total (unsurprisingly) to 2027.
My target for yesterday was 1818; I am aiming for 40,000 over the 22 weekdays of the month.

So far so good!

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