Archive | May 2014

Escape From Rochester (Camp Nano July’14 project) Character Profile 1

Let’s be honest, Lewis didn’t go to R.I.T. to meet girls, and he didn’t go to party. You don’t go to a tech school for either, especially when you’re paying more than 50% out of loans and summer job money, and you don’t aim for partying with a Biomedical Engineering major.

On the other hand, when his roommate decided that Lewis needed more socialization, Lewis wasn’t about to argue, and when Rob dragged Lewis to parties and the parties happened to involve girls, Lewis wasn’t going to argue with that either. Which is how he met Anelle, which is how he met the Oak and Rowan group, which is also how he ended up joining a Tuesday Night D&D group… which is how he ended up spending Thursdays drinking with Raven’s group out in the swamp.

Lewis is tallish, an inch over six foot. He’s muscular – even after a few months of college; he hits the gym four times a week. His eyes are dark blue, his skin fair and freckled, and his pride and joy is the mane of sandy-brown curls he wears down past his waist.

He thought about going into geology – he really likes rocks – but it was go into Biomed and pay 50% or go into geology and pay 100%, and that pretty much decided itself.

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“Does this always smell like this,” the adventures of Lyn’s nose

For most of my life, I’ve had a relatively stunted sense of smell. I can get very strong odors, some very pungent ones, and a few random smells, but for the most part, I didn’t smell stuff. It just didn’t happen.

I recently (last year) started going to a new doctor, and she prescribed an over-the-counter supplement – – for my asthma/allergies, hoping to eliminate Singulair.

And I can smell!

I mean, things I’ve never smelled at all before suddenly have nosefeels. It’s very strange – although it makes for some odd conversations.

“Do mushrooms always smell like this?”

“Does Spinach always smell like this? It smells like bad fresh-cut grass!”

and so on.

Appears yes, spinach always does smell like that. And, go figure, shit actually does stink.

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Can’t you See

I asked for fun Addergoole-related prompts here; this is from @capriox’s prompt.

Addergoole Year 36, early in the year.
“I hate it.”

Taurus stared at the mirror; over his shoulder, Aldara stared at him. He was wearing nothing except the chain collar she’d put on him and a miserable expression.

“The collar?” She thought it was a relatively nice collar; she’d Worked it a lot lighter than it looked, and it matched his coloration nicely.

“No!” He glared at her in the mirror; she bit her tongue and reminded herself that he couldn’t actually hurt her, not unless he’d found a way around his orders. “No…” He softened his voice, but only barely. “No, I hate this stupid Change. Why couldn’t I just stay human?”

“And not have magic…?” She brushed her hand over the soft fur running down his spine. “I like this. It’s soft.”

She could see the conflict on his face, where he wanted to soften for the praise and struggled against it. “One point in its favor, I guess. But it still sucks.” He lifted one hoof and then the other. “I liked being human. I liked being normal. And come on, my name is Taurus. This is a goat Change. I am not a goat!”

Personally, Aldara thought it was more sheepy than goaty, but she was pretty sure that wasn’t going to help the situation One Bit. “Well, you’ll get used to it eventually? I got used to my Change…”

“Your Change is nothing like this! It’s nothing compared to this mess! I hate it. I mean, how am I going to wear shoes?”

“You don’t need to now?”

“Lovely, my ankles will still get cold. I mean, even pants are going to be hard.”


“No! Gods, what are you, stupid?” He shook his head, making a whistling noise as the air moved around his horn-buds. “Gah! There’s got to be a way to… yessss….”

“Yess?” She ought to be saying nooo, shouldn’t she? But he got so bent out of shape when she said no…

And now it was too late. He was shouting out a Working, one she only recognized half the Greek to, something about bending light, something about…

The world was white, only white. There was no contrast, no distance, no shadow.

Aldara sat down with a thump, not bothering to feel for a chair. “Taurus.” She was mortified to find her voice angry, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. “Taurus, what have you done?

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Paying, Forward

This is a continuation of a piece chosen by random-date-choice.

It follows Cost of Living and Paying the Rent in the Baram’s Elves story-set of the Fae Apoc: Addergoole setting.

It made Jaelie nervous to be away from the family this long.

Not that it was, in the grand scheme of things, all that long: two weeks at Addergoole, and a two-day drive in each direction.

But it was long enough that just about anything could happen. In two weeks, their portion of the city had fallen to pieces. In two weeks, Chicago had been reduced to rubble. In two weeks, she’d gone from being a relatively happy, normal girl… to being Amadeus’ pet.

In two weeks, what would happen to her family? What would happen to Aloysius?

At the moment, she didn’t need to be drawn a diagram; she knew what, in general, was happening to and with him and a tall, dark woman with a scarab-beetle Change.

“You have a very nice young man.” Dr. Avonmorea – Regine – took a seat next to Jaelie at the bar. Jaelie swallowed a startled reaction – she hadn’t expected to see the Director here, of all places. “Genetically, as well as in demeanor and appearance. I would be interested in purchasing his contract from you.”

Jaelie swallowed her drink and, with more effort than she’d thought it would ever take, looked the Director in the eye. “He’s not for sale. I promised him that.”

“Ah, well.” There was, as always, very little expression on the older woman’s face. “Would you consider ‘renting’ him to me again, at the very least?”

“How frequently, and for how long?”

“Ideally, every six months for fourteen days each time, as long as I can find willing partners for him. I would continue to pay the same stud fee, of course, with a potential renegotiation as we see what sort of children he breeds, and with the same caveat you asked for in this session, with parental rights reverting to you if the mother does not want them.”

Baram would like that. They were getting paid a hefty fee for the studding, and all in very useful goods for their little enclave.

What would Aloysius think? Jaelie took a sip, found her drink empty, and set the glass down. “I can agree to one more session, in six months, and then we’ll renegotiate. I have to consult with the rest of the crew.”

Crew. She tasted the word on her tongue, and found she liked it. What’s more, the Director was smiling.

“Very good. I think we’ll all be pleased with the results.”

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Continuation Chosen by Random Numbers – Three Glass Beads, Peacock-Blue

A continuation/extrapolation/etc. of Estate.

Rhoda Burks – three beads from a fringe, glass, peacock blue (in wine glass) – October 27th, 1929

The note was handwritten on an index card – no, the back of a library card, the old style – yellowed, the ink faded. The card was clipped to an even older-seeming ledger book, the book itself tied about thrice with silk ribbon.

Three-times tied with silk meant do not touch in every lexicon of the family; Lilyah knew she ought to put the book and its card back where they’d come from – in a glass box, on a bed of obsidian, covered in a virgin’s handkerchief, deep in the archival layers of the family house – but she was not really known for a lack of curiosity.

Besides, she reassured herself, it couldn’t be that old. The family had only branched off three generations ago. It wasn’t like the Root Family, where the stuff in the Aunt house went back to pre-emigration England.

But Lilyah had only had the house for a week… and she didn’t really have it; Aunt Kelly wasn’t dead yet, no matter what the Grannies kept saying.

She settled for copying every piece of information she could into a nice, safe, Staples-brand spiral notebook. The name, the three beads from a fringe, the type of ledger book & the company that had made them. Everything she could get, including the type of knot.

Finally, she thought to turn the library card over.

Protective Burke, Rhoda
Sciences Limits on and Protections from
299.99 Witch-Craft, New York, NY, 1928

Suddenly in a hurry, Lilyah locked the book back into the glass case. She wrapped her notes in a ziplock bag, shoving a few sprigs of rue in there for good measure, and put the case back in the chest it had come in.

She failed to notice the small envelope that had, impossibly, fallen out of the ledger book. If she had, she might have noticed that it held three peacock blue glass beads.

Hidden History, Misplaced Beads

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Moth to the Flame

I asked for fun Addergoole-related prompts here; this is from [personal profile] thnidu‘s prompt.

Year 47 of the Addergoole School

Go to Addergoole, her mother had said. Get an education, she’d said. There’s food and power there, you’ll be safe there, she’d said.

Naeema’s mother had failed to mention the fae part; she’d failed to mention the and you’ll learn magic part; she’d definitely failed to mention and some boy is going to put a collar around your neck.

Gwalchmai wasn’t all that bad, she supposed. No, that wasn’t right. He was pretty bad, but he thought he wasn’t bad, and he kept saying it. It was giving her a headache, the sort of thing where she felt like her head was going to split.

“You have to understand,” he was saying, which was difficult, because she didn’t really understand at all, “things were different before Luke’s daughter got herself in trouble. Now they do spot checks of the all the rooms. If you ask me, you’re not getting a proper sense of what slavery is supposed to be like. Not the way it was back home.”

Naeema had grown up in a walled compound; for all that her mother had said Addergoole is safe, slavers were not allowed in her home town and slaves were freed on entry. “It’s not like that everywhere,” she protested. Her skull was cracking open. It had to be.

“Did I say you should talk? Oh, shit, are you Changing? Right here? You can’t, you can’t…”

Gwalchmai was darting, back and forth, back and forth. He had a bird Change, didn’t he? Professor Valerian had said something about that. He looked like a panicked bird, now, squawking orders than meant nothing, orders she could barely hear.

Her tongue tickled. She stuck it out, and found it forked. She blinked, and found she could blink again, a second set of eyelids.

She caught Gwalchmai’s eye. Bird, bird. He was freaking out – no. No, he wasn’t. He was staring at her, intently, hypnotized.

Naeema smiled, and her fangs brushed against her lips. This had just gotten interesting.

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Wine, and then some more wine, and then some herbs (Cayuga Wine Trail event)

This weekend was the Cayuga (Lake) Wine Trail Wine & Herb Event.

The 17 wineries on the trail (All alongside and many within view of Cauyga Lake) participate.

You start at one winery, where you get a map and a glass, and at each winery along the way, you get a tasting (2-6 types of wine or, in one case, cider), a potted herb (or tomato, or lettuce, or pepper) plant, a recipe using that plant, and a sample of that recipe, cooked (or prepared), usually with a wine pairing.

Seventeen wineries. 2 to 6 tastings at each. /falls over/

Okay, really, we did it over two days. We tasted seven wineries up the West side of the lake, spent an hour at the outlet mall, had Dim Sum and tea for lunch, and hit the much-more-spaced-out 3 wineries on the East side; Sunday we picked up the seven we’d missed on the west, stopping for lunch at Knapp Winery in the middle.

There was a lot of really good wine. Even wineries I’d blown off before as being not complex enough, too tannic, or just too boring, were in good form this weekend. Everyone had out their best wines, the food tastings were very good, and I have seventeen little plants to put in the ground or pots as soon as Last Frost is past. Even the food tastings were good.

If I have a disappointment with the event – and I’d say this is the only one – it’s that I ended up with three basils, and I really would have liked one of them to be a mint instead.

But all in all, it was an immensely fun weekend of wine-ing. Will definitely do again.

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Unrepentant, a fragment of Boom (@inventrix)

I asked for fun Addergoole-related prompts here; this is from @Inventrix’s prompt although it rather went sideways.

Late in current timeline, after So, I have this school, set in Doomsday Academy Town. Boom-Town?

The smart money said you didn’t ask Cynara Doomsday about her Keeping. Of course, the same could be said for all of her crew, but Cya was not normally as… explosive… as the rest of Boom. Except on that topic. Even approaching it sideways had borne bad results in the past – so, you Keep someone every year. Ever been on the other side?.

She would wax poetically angry about Leofric’s collaring – when he wasn’t in earshot – a bit wistful about Howard – when Magnolia, who had Kept him, wasn’t around – and more than a bit confused about Zita’s first and second collarings (and sometimes about her long-term Kept/Keeper relationship with Leo). She’d talk about her own Kept – by this point, there were generations of them, in some cases literally – but on the topic of her year under Dysmas’ collar, she remained resolutely mum.

Cynara could Find anything, anyone, anywhere. It did not escape the notice of those closest to her that there were two people she never looked for – her father and her Former Keeper.

The people who would notice were smart enough to not ask why, too.

She never looked for Dysmas – but she had no skill in making people stay away from her, and she was, after all, building a city and a school. It is likely she shouldn’t have been surprised when the guards at the gates cued her in on the presence of a vampire asking for her by her given name and her former cy’ree.

Indeed, when she met him in the small holding room outside of her gates, she did not look surprised. If anything, she looked annoyed.


“Cynara.” He wasn’t actually taller than her, but he stood and endeavored to look down on her. “Quite a place you’ve got here.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Her voice was so level as to sound unreal. He raised aristocratic eyebrows.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you don’t want me here. And here I thought your guards were simply unfriendly.”

“I don’t want you here.” She pushed one hand away from her in a clearly dismissive gesture. “But this place is open to those who will fit in here, so here I am.”

“We had a good time, back then.”

“You Kept me.” She settled into a chair. “You tricked me into a collar you could have gotten on me willingly, and you treated me like property for a year. You let your crew boss me around, and you willingly let Eriko destroy my friend’s mind. When I complained, you punished me.”

“Yes.” He shrugged. “Of course.”

“And you wonder why I won’t allow you into my home?”

“It was a long time ago, it was Addergoole, and I was Keeping you. They were my crew. Of course they were more important.”

Her lips tightened. “Of course. How are they, now?”

A hand flapped negligently. “Gone, I suppose. Eriko passed into humanity and I don’t know what happened to the rest. What about your little friends?”

“I’m surprised you have to ask.” Nothing about her voice or her body suggested surprise. “Most people have heard of Boom by now. We’re loud enough.”

It was interesting. His pale complexion – he was a vampire, after all – did not get any paler. But the smugness fell off his face. “Boom.”

“That would be us.” She leaned forward, elbows on the narrow table. “Tell me, was Delaney any kinder to you?”

“Kinder?” His shoulders twitched again. “She Kept me. Like I Kept Rowan, and Nydia, and you. It’s the way things happened. What were you saying about Boom?”

She stood up, pushing her chair backwards with a long screech. “I don’t think they’d like you here.”

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Project “Complete;” Time for the Next One

My planned project for June 2014 Nano is going to be a series of short stories/a serial adventure story tentatively named Escape from Rochester.

Its tagline is “6,444,000,000 people are about to die. Raven cares about 31 of them.”

And… yes, it’s my practice-killing-characters-off story.

It’s set in Fae Apoc, in Rochester, NY (probably), right in the middle of the apoc, and stars Raven, probably-a-Faded fae, and approx 62 of Raven’s closest friends, associates, and chance-met strangers.

What I am looking for:
* 30 ways to die in the apoc
(slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free)

* 62 or so fae apoc characters, Faded, near-Faded, or human, with as much detail as you want to give me. Want to be a cameo in a story? Write that up. Want to kill off a version of someone you don’t like in my story? Let me know!

* anything else!

* Oh Yeah: good gods for Rochester, NY

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(It’s Gonna Be) May – looking for THEMES for an experimental Giraffe #promptcall

(also – I need my icons back. As always, I will write 150 words/$ paid to upgrade my DW account to paid).

Okay! This month I want to try something different for the Giraffe Call – as I experimented with here and here.

In essence: over the course of a few days or a week, putting up micro-calls with different themes and a very limited number of prompt openings for each one, 3-6 per micro-call.

Which means I need theme ideas! Something you want me to write about?

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