A slightly different sort of prompt request – brainstorming for a submission

I want to write a story for submission based on the theme of identity (I’m working my way through the themes in this textbook, and I’m having trouble coming u with ideas.

Like, staring-at-the-chalkboard nothing’s-coming sort of having trouble.

So, this one-shot call is more like Ysabet’s fishbowls: if I write something based off your prompt, I will send it to you privately before I submit it. I will post one not-going-to-submit idea for free, and then if I’ve managed to get more than two flash fictions out of it, I’ll offer up story-sponsorship options.

But the main point here is to get me something to submit. So: ideas on identity?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/734810.html. You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “A slightly different sort of prompt request – brainstorming for a submission

  1. What came to my mind immediately was the whole Keeping thing, the way it destroys identities. Didn’t you post a ficlet ending with a Kept saying she wasn’t sure which thoughts were hers any more?

  2. Identity (partially) shaped by environment. Identity changing with environment. “I am a different person depending on who I am with. It’s not something I do, it’s something that happens to me.”

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