On my Thornewrites, I often ask for a random number between 1 and… well, that depends.
anke asked me today how the numbers work:
.@Anke When I finish something, it gets moved to the bottom of the list, and color-coded for “today-done.” I call for numbers: “everything ~
— Lyn Thorne-Alder (@ThorneWrites) June 23, 2014
.@Anke ~including today except what I just did, everything from yesterday up, everything from 3 days up,” and so on, so that the stuff I ~
— Lyn Thorne-Alder (@ThorneWrites) June 23, 2014
.@Anke ~haven’t touched in a few days has more chance of getting picked. (I go through and shade things every morning, moving “today” to ~
— Lyn Thorne-Alder (@ThorneWrites) June 23, 2014
.@Anke ~”yesterday” and so on – weekends count as a single day.) ~And~ things I really need to work on are in the list 2-3 times.
— Lyn Thorne-Alder (@ThorneWrites) June 23, 2014
And the List
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