Archive | July 13, 2014

And one more meme response

Dr Who – Donna Noble. If Donna winds up there, I’m sure the Doctor will follow.

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A blue-striped tigrinar: answers to the Tír na Cali xover meme

Answers to the “give me a setting/char to xover with Cali meme here:

Luna Lovegood (who, I believe, has grey eyes) wanders vaguely into Cali!

The Doctor in Tir Na Cali, please?

Mind you… if a portal to another universe is going to open anywhere, it’d be Eureka.

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“Stop Trying to Cheer Me Up!” Answers to Meme (@lilfluff, @inventrix)

From the Send me a pairing and a line of dialogue and I’ll write you something meme here

Rin & Girey: “I think you missed your calling.”

Kai & Conrad: “Hey, have you seen the…? Oh.”

Agatha and “Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?” or perhaps, “Stop trying to cheer me up!”

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Doing a bit of catching-up as well as trying to get CampNano words written today (it’s raining and I’m sore everywhere after yesterday’s yardwork/LARP).

Here’s an excerpt from an Aunt Family piece I’m writing for Kelkyag that I thought people might find interesting as a stand-alone tidbit:

The Grannies liked pushovers, and that was something Evangaline was coming to learn was not just a function of their particular branch. Every Granny everywhere had some feeling that they should have been the Aunt, would have been better as the Aunt. And every Granny everywhere wanted a piece of the power.

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